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Bibliography on: Mitochondrial Evolution

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Mitochondrial Evolution

The endosymbiotic hypothesis for the origin of mitochondria (and chloroplasts) suggests that mitochondria are descended from specialized bacteria (probably purple nonsulfur bacteria) that somehow survived endocytosis by another species of prokaryote or some other cell type, and became incorporated into the cytoplasm.

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Citations The Papers (from PubMed®)


RevDate: 2025-03-04

Bagdonaitė L, Mauvisseau Q, Johnsen A, et al (2025)

Sperm mtDNA Copy Number Is Not Associated With Midpiece Size Among Songbirds.

Ecology and evolution, 15(3):e71055.

Tremendous variation in sperm morphology is observed across the animal kingdom. Within avian taxa, the songbirds (infraorder Passerides) have the largest variation in sperm morphology. Their spermatozoa move by using energy generated in the midpiece, which is formed by multiple mitochondria fusing together during spermatogenesis. However, very little is known regarding the number of mitochondria required to form the songbird midpiece. Based on previous research showing an association of midpiece length and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number in the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, we hypothesize that songbird species with longer sperm midpieces have more copies of mtDNA. We estimated the sperm mtDNA copy number in 19 species from 10 families within Passerides, covering a broad range of midpiece sizes. Mitochondrial and nuclear DNA abundance were determined using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) and the ratio between mitochondrial and single-copy nuclear genes was used to estimate mtDNA copy number per spermatozoon. We found that species differ in their average mtDNA copy number, but the variation was small and not significantly related to midpiece length. A possible explanation is that mitochondrial genomes are eliminated in the spermatids during spermatogenesis.

RevDate: 2025-03-03

Zhang T, Fu J, Li C, et al (2025)

Novel findings on the mitochondria in ciliates, with description of mitochondrial genomes of six representatives.

Marine life science & technology, 7(1):79-95.

UNLABELLED: Determining and comparing mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are essential for assessing the diversity and evolution of mitochondria. Ciliates are ancient and diverse unicellular eukaryotes, and thus are ideal models for elucidating the early evolution of mitochondria. Here, we report on six new mitogenomes of spirotrichs, a dominant ciliate group, and perform comparative analyses on 12 representative species. We show that: (1) the mitogenomes of spirotrichs are linear structures with high A+T contents (61.12-81.16%), bidirectional transcription, and extensive synteny (except for the nad5, ccmf and cob genes in Euplotia); (2) the non-split of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (nad2) is a plesiomorphy of ciliates, whereas it has evolved into a split gene in Spirotrichea (apart from Euplotes taxa), Oligohymenophorea, and Armophorea; (3) the number of small subunit ribosomal proteins (rps) encoded in mitogenomes increases in the later branching classes of ciliates, whereas rps8 shows a loss trend during the evolution of Euplotes taxa; (4) the mitogenomes of spirotrichs exhibit A/T codon bias at the third position, and the codon bias is mainly due to DNA mutation in oligotrichs, hypotrichs and Diophrys appendiculata; (5) the phylogenetic position of D. appendiculata is unstable and controversial based on both phylogenetic analyses and mitogenome evidence. In summary, we investigated the mitogenome diversity of spirotrichs and broadened our understanding of the evolution of mitochondria in ciliates.

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42995-024-00249-7.

RevDate: 2025-03-03
CmpDate: 2025-03-01

Shalata A, Saada A, Mahroum M, et al (2025)

Sengers syndrome caused by biallelic TIMM29 variants and RNAi silencing in Drosophila orthologue recapitulates the human phenotype.

Human genomics, 19(1):21.

PURPOSE: Sengers-syndrome (S.S) is a genetic disorder characterized by congenital cataracts, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy and lactic acidosis. All reported cases were genetically caused by biallelic mutations in the AGK gene. We herein report a pathogenic variant in TIMM29 gene, encoding Tim29 protein, as a novel cause of S.S. Notably, AGK and Tim29 proteins are components of the TIM22 complex, which is responsible for importing carrier proteins into the inner mitochondrial membrane.

METHOD: Clinical data of 17 consanguineous patients featuring S.S was obtained. Linkage analysis, and sequencing were used to map and identify the disease-causing gene. Tissues derived from the study participants and a Drosophila melanogaster model were used to evaluate the effects of TIMM29 variant on S.S.

RESULTS: The patients presented with a severe phenotype of S.S, markedly elevated serum creatine-phosphokinase, combined mitochondrial-respiratory-chain-complexes deficiency, reduced pyruvate-dehydrogenase complex activity, and reduced adenine nucleotide translocator 1 protein. Histopathological studies showed accumulation of abnormal mitochondria. Homozygosity mapping and gene sequencing revealed a biallelic variant in TIMM29 NM_138358.4:c.514T > C NP_612367.1:p.(Trp172Arg). The knockdown of the Drosophila TIMM29 orthologous gene (CG14270) recapitulated the phenotype and pathology observed in the studied cohort. We expand the clinical phenotype of S.S and provide substantial evidence supporting TIMM29 as the second causal gene of a severe type of S.S, designated as S.S- TIMM29.

CONCLUSION: The present study uncovers several biochemical differences between the two S.S types, including the hyperCPKemia being almost unique for S.S-TIMM29 cohort, the different frequency of MMRCC and PDHc deficiencies among the two S.S types. We propose to designate the S.S associated with TIMM29 homozygous variant as S.S-TIMM29.

RevDate: 2025-03-03
CmpDate: 2025-02-28

Dong S, Li X, Liu Q, et al (2025)

Comparative genomics uncovers evolutionary drivers of locust migratory adaptation.

BMC genomics, 26(1):203.

BACKGROUND: Locust migration is one of the main causes of locust plagues. While existing research has highlighted the adaptive migratory capabilities of locusts, the evolutionary patterns of their migration remain elusive. This study aims to explore these evolutionary patterns of locust migratory behavior at the genomic level. To achieve this, we conducted comparative genomics analysis using genomic data from 10 locust species with diverse migratory tendencies.

RESULTS: We identified 1064 genes showing signatures of positive selection in five migratory locust species using a dN/dS model. The BUSTED-PH model revealed 116 genes associated with migratory phenotypes. Gene ontology enrichment analysis indicated that these genes were predominantly related to metabolism and mitochondria-related pathways through both methods. Additionally, the evolutionary rate (RER) analysis between migratory and non-migratory locusts revealed significant divergence in energy metabolism pathways. Notably, of the genes analyzed, the SETX gene consistently showed evidence of positive selection across all five migratory species.

CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that the evolution of migratory behavior is associated with increased selective pressure on metabolism and mitochondria-related pathways. Hundreds of genes undergo selective changes during repetitive transitions to migratory behavior. These findings enhance our understanding of the genetic and phenotypic relationships underlying different locust migratory behaviors, providing important data for understanding the biological mechanisms behind locust outbreaks.

RevDate: 2025-02-27

Nielsen TL, Nielsen SH, Novosolov M, et al (2025)

Deeply Diverged but Morphologically Conserved Lineages in Tornier's Cat Snake (Crotaphopeltis tornieri) of the Eastern Arc Mountains.

Ecology and evolution, 15(2):e70452.

The Eastern Arc Mountain (EAM) forests in Tanzania have remarkably high endemism. Closely-related forest-adapted species are found isolated on different "sky islands" testifying to allopatry as a major driver for speciation in this region. However, some species defy this pattern. Tornier's cat snake (Crotaphopeltis tornieri) occupies most of the isolated mountain rainforest, despite presumably not being able to move across the arid savannah landscape that separates them. To test contrasting hypotheses of recent dispersal vs morphological conservatism we examined scale characters of 218 C. tornieri individuals and sequenced 80 full mitochondrial genomes covering populations from eight mountain blocks across the EAM and Southern Highlands of Tanzania (SHT). The morphological examination revealed no differentiation between populations except the Usambara Mountain populations showing significant differences in some scale characters. This was in stark contrast to the genetic analyses showing very high divergence between mountain populations. On average the mitochondrial genome showed > 12% genetic differentiation with cytB and COI showing interpopulation distances of up to 28.5% and 15.1%, respectively. Both Bayesian coalescent and maximum-likelihood based phylogenies, uncovered a highly distinct clade structure in C. tornieri defined by the mountains. Divergence times were estimated at c. 21 million years for the split between the EAM and SHT populations and 5.4-1.4 millions years for population splits within EAM. Our results point towards old isolation events but with a highly conserved morphology resulting in just one recognized species. By including presumed outgroups of C. degeni and C. hotamboeia in the phylogeny we found C. tornieri to be paraphyletic. These results have implications for understanding evolution in the EAM and warrant a revision of the number of species in this genus.

RevDate: 2025-02-28
CmpDate: 2025-02-26

Stefano GB, RM Kream (2025)

Primordial Biochemicals Within Coacervate-Like Droplets and the Origins of Life.

Viruses, 17(2):.

An organism is considered "alive" if it can grow, reproduce, respond to external stimuli, metabolize nutrients, and maintain stability. By this definition, both mitochondria and viruses exhibit the key characteristics of independent life. In addition to their capacity for self-replication under specifically defined conditions, both mitochondria and viruses can communicate via shared biochemical elements, alter cellular energy metabolism, and adapt to their local environment. To explain this phenomenon, we hypothesize that early viral prototype species evolved from ubiquitous environmental DNA and gained the capacity for self-replication within coacervate-like liquid droplets. The high mutation rates experienced in this environment streamlined their acquisition of standard genetic codes and adaptation to a diverse set of host environments. Similarly, mitochondria, eukaryotic intracellular organelles that generate energy and resolve oxygen toxicity, originally evolved from an infectious bacterial species and maintain their capacity for active functionality within the extracellular space. Thus, while mitochondria contribute profoundly to eukaryotic cellular homeostasis, their capacity for freestanding existence may lead to functional disruptions over time, notably, the overproduction of reactive oxygen species, a phenomenon strongly linked to aging-related disorders. Overall, a more in-depth understanding of the full extent of the evolution of both viruses and mitochondria from primordial precursors may lead to novel insights and therapeutic strategies to address neurodegenerative processes and promote healthy aging.

RevDate: 2025-02-26

Peña FJ, Martín-Cano FE, Becerro-Rey L, et al (2025)

Redox Regulation and Glucose Metabolism in the Stallion Spermatozoa.

Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland), 14(2): pii:antiox14020225.

Stallion spermatozoa are cells which exhibit intense metabolic activity, where oxidative phosphorylation in the mitochondria is the primary ATP generator. However, metabolism must be viewed as a highly interconnected network of oxidation-reduction reactions that generate the energy necessary for life. An unavoidable side effect of metabolism is the generation of reactive oxygen species, leading to the evolution of sophisticated mechanisms to maintain redox homeostasis. In this paper, we provide an updated overview of glucose metabolism in stallion spermatozoa, highlighting recent evidence on the role of aerobic glycolysis in these cells, and the existence of an intracellular lactate shuttle that may help to explain the particular metabolism of the stallion spermatozoa in the context of their redox regulation.

RevDate: 2025-02-25
CmpDate: 2025-02-25

Du W, Sun Q, Hu S, et al (2025)

Equus mitochondrial pangenome reveals independent domestication imprints in donkeys and horses.

Scientific reports, 15(1):6803.

Mitochondria are semi-autonomous organelles that play a crucial role in the energy budget of animal cells and are closely related to the locomotor abilities of animals. Equidae is renowned for including two domesticated species with distinct purposes: the endurance-oriented donkey and the power-driven horse, making it an ideal system for studying the relationship between mitochondria and locomotor abilities. In this study, to cover the genetic diversity of donkeys, we sequenced and assembled six new mitochondrial genomes from China. Meanwhile, we downloaded the published mitochondrial genomes of all species within Equus and conducted a comprehensive pan-mitochondrial genome analysis. We found that the mitochondrial genomes of Equus are highly conserved, each encoding 37 genes, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs). Phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial genomes supports previous research, indicating that the extant species in Equus are divided into three main branches: horses, donkeys, and zebras. Specifically, 761 genetic variants were identified between donkeys and horses, 68 of which were non-synonymous mutations in PCGs, potentially linked to their different locomotor abilities. Structural protein modeling indicated that despite genetic differences, the overall protein structures between donkeys and horses remain similar. This study revealed the mitochondrial genome variation patterns of domesticated animals, offering novelty perspectives on domestication imprints. Additionally, it provides reliable candidate molecular markers for the identification of donkeys and horses.

RevDate: 2025-02-25
CmpDate: 2025-02-25

Lan X, Yang M, Wang J, et al (2025)

Pore-Forming Protein LIN-24 Enhances Starvation Resilience in Caenorhabditis elegans by Modulating Lipid Metabolism and Mitochondrial Dynamics.

Toxins, 17(2):.

The ability to survive starvation is a critical evolutionary adaptation, yet the molecular mechanisms underlying this capability remain incompletely understood. Pore-forming proteins (PFPs) are typically associated with immune defense, where they disturb the membranes of target cells. However, the role of PFPs in non-immune functions, particularly in metabolic and structural adaptations to starvation, is less explored. Here, we investigate the aerolysin-like PFP LIN-24 in Caenorhabditis elegans and uncover its novel function in enhancing starvation resistance. We found that LIN-24 expression is upregulated during starvation, leading to increased expression of the lipase-encoding gene lipl-3. This upregulation accelerates the mobilization and degradation of lipid stores, thereby sustaining energy levels. Additionally, LIN-24 overexpression significantly preserves muscle integrity, as evidenced by the maintenance of muscle structure compared to wild-type worms. Furthermore, we demonstrate that LIN-24 induces the formation of donut-shaped mitochondria, a structural change likely aimed at reducing ATP production to conserve energy during prolonged nutrient deprivation. This mitochondrial remodeling depends on genes involved in mitochondrial dynamics, including mff-1, mff-2, drp-1, and clk-1. Collectively, these findings expand our understanding of PFPs, demonstrating their multifaceted role in stress resistance beyond immune defense. LIN-24's involvement in regulating metabolism, preserving muscle structure, and remodeling mitochondria highlights its crucial role in the adaptive response to starvation, offering novel insights into the evolution of stress resistance mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets for conditions related to muscle preservation and metabolic regulation.

RevDate: 2025-02-24

Cai L, Havird JC, RK Jansen (2025)

Recombination and retroprocessing in broomrapes reveal a universal roadmap for mitochondrial evolution in heterotrophic plants.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology pii:2025.02.14.637881.

The altered life history strategies of heterotrophic organisms often leave a profound genetic footprint on energy metabolism related functions. In parasitic plants, the reliance on host-derived nutrients and loss of photosynthesis in holoparasites have led to highly degraded to absent plastid genomes, but its impact on mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) evolution has remained controversial. By examining mitogenomes from 45 Orobanchaceae species including three independent transitions to holoparasitism and key evolutionary intermediates, we identified measurable and predictable genetic alterations in genomic shuffling, RNA editing, and intracellular (IGT) and horizontal gene transfer (HGT) en route to a nonphotosynthetic lifestyle. In-depth comparative analyses revealed DNA recombination and repair processes, especially RNA-mediated retroprocessing, as significant drivers for genome structure evolution. In particular, we identified a novel RNA-mediated IGT and HGT mechanism, which has not been demonstrated in cross-species and inter-organelle transfers. Based on this, we propose a generalized dosage effect mechanism to explain the biased transferability of plastid DNA to mitochondria across green plants, especially in heterotrophic lineages like parasites and mycoheterotrophs. Evolutionary rates scaled with these genomic changes, but the direction and strength of selection varied substantially among genes and clades, resulting in high contingency in mitochondrial genome evolution. Finally, we describe a universal roadmap for mitochondrial evolution in heterotrophic plants where increased recombination and repair activities, rather than relaxed selection alone, lead to differentiated genome structure compared to free-living species.

RevDate: 2025-02-23

Monesi N, Fernandes GM, Valer FB, et al (2025)

Identification and characterization of a laterally transferred alternative oxidase (AOX) in a terrestrial insect, the dipteran Pseudolycoriella hygida.

Biochimie pii:S0300-9084(25)00042-2 [Epub ahead of print].

Alternative oxidase (AOX) (EC is a terminal oxidase in the mitochondrial inner membrane that branches the canonical electron transport system (ETS). AOX is ubiquitous in plants, frequently found in fungi and protists and presents a more sporadic distribution in metazoans. More recently, AOX has gained attention due to its potential application in gene therapy for treatment of mitochondrial diseases. Here we characterized the AOX in the basal Dipteran, Pseudolycoriella hygida using a combination of genomic analyses, molecular, functional and in vivo survival assays. AOX is a single copy gene that encodes three developmental stage specific protein isoforms. AOX localizes to the mitochondria in adult thoracic muscles, which present cyanide-resistant respiration that is sensitive to the AOX inhibitor salicylhydroxamic acid (SHAM). Both the cyanide-resistant respiration and AOX levels gradually increase during aging, but are not influenced by thermal stress. Thoracic mitochondria respire using substrates derived from several metabolic routes, such as pyruvate, proline, acylcarnitine, NADH and glycerol-3P, and present values of oxidative phosphorylation capacity ((P-L)/E = 0.70) and coupling (P/L = 4.35; L/E = 0.21). Adult flies exhibit a high survival resistance for SHAM-sensitive complex III inhibition. Together, our results demonstrate the presence of a functional AOX in a terrestrial arthropod and provide insights regarding AOX function in animals and evolution of respiratory systems in metazoans. Psl. hygida emerges as a natural and valuable model for comprehensive AOX research at the whole-organism level which complements models expressing the heterologous enzyme.

RevDate: 2025-02-21

Yonemitsu MA, Sevigny JK, Vandepas LE, et al (2025)

Multiple Lineages of Transmissible Neoplasia in the Basket Cockle (C. nuttallii) With Repeated Horizontal Transfer of Mitochondrial DNA.

Molecular ecology [Epub ahead of print].

Transmissible cancers are clonal lineages of neoplastic cells able to infect multiple hosts, spreading through populations in the environment as an infectious disease. Transmissible cancers have been identified in Tasmanian devils, dogs, and bivalves. Several lineages of bivalve transmissible neoplasias (BTN) have been identified in multiple bivalve species. In 2019 in Puget Sound, Washington, USA, disseminated neoplasia was observed in basket cockles (Clinocardium nuttallii), a species that is important to the culture and diet of the Suquamish Tribe as well as other tribes with traditional access to the species. To test whether disseminated neoplasia in cockles is a previously unknown lineage of BTN, a nuclear locus was amplified from cockles from Agate Pass, Washington, and sequences revealed evidence of transmissible cancer in several individuals. We used a combination of cytology and quantitative PCR to screen collections of cockles from 11 locations in Puget Sound and along the Washington coastline to identify the extent of contagious cancer spread in this species. Two BTN lineages were identified in these cockles, with one of those lineages (CnuBTN1) being the most prevalent and geographically widespread. Within the CnuBTN1 lineage, multiple nuclear loci support the conclusion that all cancer samples form a single clonal lineage. However, the mitochondrial alleles in each cockle with CnuBTN1 are different from each other, suggesting mitochondrial genomes of this cancer have been replaced multiple times during its evolution, through horizontal transmission. The identification and analysis of these BTNs are critical for broodstock selection, management practices, and repopulation of declining cockle populations, which will enable continued cultural connection and dietary use of the cockles by Coast Salish Tribes.

RevDate: 2025-02-20
CmpDate: 2025-02-20

Elling FJ, Pierrel F, Chobert SC, et al (2025)

A novel quinone biosynthetic pathway illuminates the evolution of aerobic metabolism.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 122(8):e2421994122.

The dominant organisms in modern oxic ecosystems rely on respiratory quinones with high redox potential (HPQs) for electron transport in aerobic respiration and photosynthesis. The diversification of quinones, from low redox potential (LPQ) in anaerobes to HPQs in aerobes, is assumed to have followed Earth's surface oxygenation ~2.3 billion years ago. However, the evolutionary origins of HPQs remain unresolved. Here, we characterize the structure and biosynthetic pathway of an ancestral HPQ, methyl-plastoquinone (mPQ), that is unique to bacteria of the phylum Nitrospirota. mPQ is structurally related to the two previously known HPQs, plastoquinone from Cyanobacteriota/chloroplasts and ubiquinone from Pseudomonadota/mitochondria, respectively. We demonstrate a common origin of the three HPQ biosynthetic pathways that predates the emergence of Nitrospirota, Cyanobacteriota, and Pseudomonadota. An ancestral HPQ biosynthetic pathway evolved ≥ 3.4 billion years ago in an extinct lineage and was laterally transferred to these three phyla ~2.5 to 3.2 billion years ago. We show that Cyanobacteriota and Pseudomonadota were ancestrally aerobic and thus propose that aerobic metabolism using HPQs significantly predates Earth's surface oxygenation. Two of the three HPQ pathways were later obtained by eukaryotes through endosymbiosis forming chloroplasts and mitochondria, enabling their rise to dominance in modern oxic ecosystems.

RevDate: 2025-02-19
CmpDate: 2025-02-20

Zhou B, Sui R, Yu L, et al (2025)

Transcriptomics and proteomics provide insights into the adaptative strategies of Tibetan naked carps (Gymnocypris przewalskii) to saline-alkaline variations.

BMC genomics, 26(1):162.

Gymnocypris przewalskii is an exclusively cyprinid fish that inhabits Lake Qinghai, which is characterized by high salinity and alkalinity. To elucidate the molecular basis of the adaptation of G. przewalskii to a wide range of salinity‒alkalinity conditions, we performed morphological, biochemical, transcriptomic and proteomic analyses of the major osmoregulatory organs of the gills and kidney. Morphological examination revealed that mitochondria-rich cells were replaced by mucus cells in the gills during the transition of G. przewalskii from freshwater to lake water. In the kidney, the tight junction formed dense structure in the renal tubules under lake water condition compared with the loose structure in freshwater. The results of the biochemical assays revealed an increased content of total amino acids, indicating their potential roles as osmolytes and energy supplies in freshwater. The decreased urea concentration suggested that urea synthesis might not be involved in the detoxicity of ammonia. The transcriptomic and proteomic data revealed that genes involved in ion absorption and ammonia excretion were activated in freshwater and that genes involved in cell junction and glutamine synthesis were induced in lake water, which was consistent with the morphological and biochemical observations. Together with the higher levels of glutamine and glutamate, we proposed that G. przewalskii alleviated the toxic effect of ammonia direct excretion through gills under freshwater and the activation of the conversion of glutamate to glutamine under high saline-alkaline condition. Our results revealed different expression profiles of genes involved in metabolic pathways, including the upregulation of genes involved in energy production in freshwater and the induction of genes involved in the synthesis of acetylneuramic acid and sphingolipid in soda lake water. In conclusion, the appearance of mitochondria-rich cells and increased energy production might contribute to ion absorption in G. przewalskii to maintain ion and solute homeostasis in freshwater. The existence of mucus cells and dense junctions, which are associated with increased gene expression, might be related to the adaptation of G. przewalskii to high salinity-alkalinity.

RevDate: 2025-02-20
CmpDate: 2025-02-18

Kim SC, Kang ES, Kim TH, et al (2025)

Report on the complete organelle genomes of Orobanche Filicicola Nakai ex Hyun, Y. S. Lim & H. C. Shin (Orobanchaceae): insights from comparison with Orobanchaceae plant genomes.

BMC genomics, 26(1):157.

BACKGROUND: Orobanche is a parasitic plant distributed in the temperate zone of Northern Hemisphere, with approximately 200 species found worldwide. In the Republic of Korea, two species of Orobanche, namely O. coerulescens Stephan ex Willd. and O. filicicola Nakai ex Hyun, Y. S. Lim & H. C. Shin, are present, with O. filicicola being endemic. Genome analysis of this species has not yet been performed, and characterizing its complete organelle genome will provide valuable insights into the phylogeny and genome evolution of parasitic plants.

RESULTS: The chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes were analyzed, revealing distinct characteristics. The chloroplast genome is 91,529 bp long with a GC content of 33.6%, containing 33 protein-coding, 30 tRNA, and 4 rRNA genes. In contrast, the mitochondrial genome is 1,058,991 bp long with a GC content of 45.5%, featuring 31 protein-coding, 16 tRNA, and 3 rRNA genes. The mitochondrial genome has over three times more simple sequence repeats and longer long repeats than the chloroplast genome. Analysis of synonymous codon usage in protein-coding genes from nine Orobanchaceae species revealed significant differences between chloroplasts and mitochondria, with codons ending in A or T exhibiting higher coding rates. Ka/Ks ratio calculations indicated that psbI and atpB had the smallest and largest ratios in chloroplasts, respectively, while ccmFC was identified as the only gene under positive selection in mitochondria genomes. Sequence alignment identified 30 homologous fragments between the two genomes, totaling 7,247 bp. Comparison of O. filicicola's chloroplast genome with related species showed gene loss and conserved inverted repeat sequences. Numerous homologous collinear blocks were found in mitochondrial genomes of related species, but some regions lacked homology. Phylogenetic analysis indicated identical topologies for chloroplasts and mitochondria, with Orobanchaceae forming a strong monophyletic group.

CONCLUSIONS: Characterizing the complete organelle genome of O. filicicola enabled a comprehensive analysis of the Orobanchaceae organelle genome, providing important baseline data for its structure and evolution.

RevDate: 2025-02-19
CmpDate: 2025-02-17

Larkum AWD, Falkowski PG, Edwards D, et al (2025)

John Raven, FRS, FRSE: a truly great innovator in plant physiology, photosynthesis and much more.

Photosynthesis research, 163(2):18.

This is a tribute to a truly inspirational plant biologist, Prof. John A. Raven, FRS, FRSE (25th June 1941- 23rd May 2024), who died at the age of 82. He was a leader in the field of evolution and physiology of algae and land plants. His research touched on many areas including photosynthesis, ion transport, carbon utilisation, mineral use, such as silicon, iron and molybdenum, the evolution of phytoplankton, the evolution of root systems, the impact of global change, especially on the acidification of the oceans, carbon gain and water use in early land plants, and ways of detecting extraterrestrial photosynthesis. Beginning his research career in the Botany School, University of Cambridge, John studied ion uptake in a giant algal cell. This was at the time of great strides brought about by Peter Mitchell (1920-1992) in elucidating the role of energy generation in mitochondria and chloroplasts and the coupling of ion transport systems to energy generation. With Enid MacRobbie and Andrew Smith, John pioneered early work on the involvement of ion transport in the growth and metabolism of plant cells.On leaving Cambridge John took up a lectureship at the University of Dundee in 1971, where he was still attached upon his death. His primary focus over the years, with one of us (Paul Falkowski), was on phytoplankton, the photosynthetic microalgae of the oceans. Still, his publication list of 5 books and over 600 scientific papers spans a very broad range. The many highly cited papers (see Table 1) attest to an outstanding innovator, who influenced a multitude of students and coworkers and a very wide readership worldwide. At the personal level, John Raven was a wonderful human being; he had an extraordinary memory, dredging up facts and little-known scientific papers, like a scientific magician, but at the same time making humorous jokes and involving his colleagues in fun and sympathetic appreciation. Table 1 Ten best cited articles (from google scholar) Citations Date Aquatic Photosynthesis, 3rd Edition P.G. Falkowski & J.A. Raven Princeton University Press, 2013 3854 2013 The evolution of modern eukaryotic phytoplankton P.G. Falkowski, M.E. Katz, A.H. Knoll, A. Quigg, J.A. Raven, et al Science 305, 354-360 1790 2004 CO2 concentrating mechanisms in algae: mechanisms, environmental modulation, and evolution M. Giordano, J. Beardall & J.A. Raven Annu. Rev. Plant Biol. 56 (1), 99-131 1648 2005 Algae as nutritional food sources: revisiting our understanding M.L. Wells, P. Potin, J.S. Craigie, J.A. Raven, S.S. Merchant, et al Journal of applied phycology 29, 949-982 1527 2017 Plant Nutrient acquisition strategies change with soil age H. Lambers, J.A. Raven, G.R. Shaver & S.E. Smith Trends in ecology & evolution 23, 95-103 1488 2008 Ocean acidification due to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide J. Raven, K. Caldeira, H. Elderfield, O. Hoegh-Guldberg, P. Liss, et al The Royal Society, Policy Document, June 2005 1470 2005 Phytoplankton in a changing world: cell size and elemental stoichiometry Z.V. Finkel, J. Beardall, K.J. Flynn, A. Quigg, T.A.V. Rees & J.A. Raven Journal of plankton research 32, 119-137 1198 2010 Opportunities for improving phosphorus efficiency in crop plants E.J. Veneklaas, H. Lambers, J. Bragg, P.M. Finnegan, C.E. Lovelock, et al New phytologist 195, 306-320 951 2012 Adaptation of unicellular algae to irradiance: an analysis of strategies K. Richardson, J. Beardall & J.A. Raven New Phytologist 93, 157-191 914 1983 Nitrogen assimilation and transport in vascular land plants in relation to Intracellular pH regulation J.A. Raven & F.A. Smith New Phytologist 76, 415-431 893 1976 Temperature and algal growth J.A. Raven & R.J. Geider New phytologist 110, 441-461 867 1988 The role of trace metals in photosynthetic electron transport in O2 -evolving organisms J.A. Raven, M.C.W. Evans & R.E. Korb Photosynthesis Research 60, 111-150 840 1999.

RevDate: 2025-02-14

Ratajczak MZ, Thetchinamoorthy K, Wierzbicka D, et al (2025)

Extracellular microvesicles/exosomes - magic bullets in horizontal transfer between cells of mitochondria and molecules regulating mitochondria activity.

Stem cells (Dayton, Ohio) pii:8012246 [Epub ahead of print].

Extracellular microvesicles (ExMVs) were one of the first communication platforms between cells that emerged early in evolution. Evidence indicates that all types of cells secrete these small circular structures surrounded by a lipid membrane that plays an important role in cellular physiology and some pathological processes. ExMVs interact with target cells and may stimulate them by ligands expressed on their surface and/or transfer to the target cells their cargo comprising various RNA species, proteins, bioactive lipids, and signaling nucleotides. These small vesicles can also hijack some organelles from the cells and, in particular, transfer mitochondria, which are currently the focus of scientific interest for their potential application in clinical settings. Different mechanisms exist for transferring mitochondria between cells, including their encapsulation in ExMVs or their uptake in a "naked" form. It has also been demonstrated that mitochondria transfer may involve direct cell-cell connections by signaling nanotubules. In addition, evidence accumulated that ExMVs could be enriched for regulatory molecules, including some miRNA species and proteins that regulate the function of mitochondria in the target cells. Recently, a new beneficial effect of mitochondrial transfer has been reported based on inducing the mitophagy process, removing damaged mitochondria in the recipient cells to improve their energetic state. Based on this novel role of ExMVs in powering the energetic state of target cells, we present a current point of view on this topic and review some selected most recent discoveries and recently published most relevant papers.

RevDate: 2025-02-16

Waneka G, Broz AK, Wold-McGimsey F, et al (2025)

Disruption of recombination machinery alters the mutational landscape in plant organellar genomes.

G3 (Bethesda, Md.) pii:8011488 [Epub ahead of print].

Land plant organellar genomes have extremely low rates of point mutation yet also experience high rates of recombination and genome instability. Characterizing the molecular machinery responsible for these patterns is critical for understanding the evolution of these genomes. While much progress has been made towards understanding recombination activity in land plant organellar genomes, the relationship between recombination pathways and point mutation rates remains uncertain. The organellar targeted mutS homolog MSH1 has previously been shown to suppress point mutations as well as non-allelic recombination between short repeats in Arabidopsis thaliana. We therefore implemented high-fidelity Duplex Sequencing to test if other genes that function in recombination and maintenance of genome stability also affect point mutation rates. We found small to moderate increases in the frequency of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and indels in mitochondrial and/or plastid genomes of A. thaliana mutant lines lacking radA, recA1, or recA3. In contrast, osb2 and why2 mutants did not exhibit an increase in point mutations compared to wild type (WT) controls. In addition, we analyzed the distribution of SNVs in previously generated Duplex Sequencing data from A. thaliana organellar genomes and found unexpected strand asymmetries and large effects of flanking nucleotides on mutation rates in WT plants and msh1 mutants. Finally, using long-read Oxford Nanopore sequencing, we characterized structural variants in organellar genomes of the mutant lines and show that different short repeat sequences become recombinationally active in different mutant backgrounds. Together, these complementary sequencing approaches shed light on how recombination may impact the extraordinarily low point mutation rates in plant organellar genomes.

RevDate: 2025-02-13

Van Gaever M, Dupuy O, Dupont E, et al (2025)

Early sensorimotor restriction in rats induces age-dependent mitochondrial alterations in skeletal muscles and brain structures.

The Journal of physiology [Epub ahead of print].

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to motor and cognitive deficits, increasing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases in ageing. Emerging hypotheses suggest that these functional alterations may be related to energy metabolism. Indeed, ATP produced by mitochondria is essential for muscle contraction, neurotransmission and brain plasticity processes. Although a sedentary lifestyle has been associated with mitochondrial alterations in skeletal muscle, the potential effects on brain structures have yet to be investigated. The present study aimed to determine whether early sensorimotor restriction (SMR) alters mitochondrial metabolism in rat muscles and brain structures. Enzyme activities of citrate synthase (CS) and respiratory chain complexes I, II and IV were measured using a spectrophotometric technique and mitochondrial respiration was assessed using high-resolution respirometry in two hind limb muscles [soleus and extensor digitorum longus (EDL)] and four brain structures (sensorimotor cortex, striatum, prefrontal cortex and hippocampus) in control rats and rats experiencing early SMR from birth to day 28. Mitochondrial enzyme activities decreased in the soleus (complexes I and II), in the EDL (complex I) and in the hippocampus (complexes I and IV) in an age-dependent manner, whereas no effect was observed in other brain structures. CS activity decreases in the soleus and increases transiently in the striatum and sensorimotor cortex at postnatal day 15. Mitochondrial respiration was reduced in the soleus and in the sensorimotor cortex (CI and CI+CII). Early SMR appears to induce quantitative and qualitative mitochondrial alterations in skeletal muscles and certain brain structures involved in cognitive and motor processes. KEY POINTS: Early sensorimotor restriction (SMR) alters mitochondrial enzyme activities and mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscles and brain. Mitochondrial alterations induced by early SMR are age-dependent, structure-dependent and complex-dependent. Mitochondrial enzyme activities increase during development and the evolution pattern is specific to the different structures.

RevDate: 2025-02-13

Ruiz E, Leprieur F, Sposito G, et al (2025)

Environmental DNA Epigenetics Accurately Predicts the Age of Cultured Fish Larvae.

Ecology and evolution, 15(2):e70645.

While acquiring age information is crucial for efficient stock management and biodiversity conservation, traditional aging methods fail to offer a universal, non-invasive, and precise way of estimating a wild animal's age. DNA methylation from tissue DNA (tDNA) was recently proposed as a method to overcome these issues and showed more accurate results than telomere-length-based age assessments. Here, we used environmental DNA (eDNA) for the first time as a template for age estimation, focusing on the larval phase (10-24 days post-hatch) of cultured Dicentrarchus labrax (seabass), a species of major economic and conservation interest. Using third-generation sequencing, we were able to directly detect various modification types (e.g., cytosine and adenosine methylation in all contexts) across the whole genome using amplification-free nanopore sequencing. However, aging sites were only present in the mitogenome, which could be a specific feature of eDNA methylation or the consequence of better DNA protection within mitochondria. By considering qualitative and quantitative information about aging sites according to an objective model selection framework, our epigenetic clock reached a cross-validated accuracy of 2.6 days (Median Absolute Error). Such performances are higher than those of previous clocks, notably for adult seabass even when scaling MAE to the age range, which could be linked to a more dynamic epigenome during early life stages. Overall, our pilot study proposes new methods to determine the potential of eDNA for simultaneous age and biodiversity assessments, although robust validation of our preliminary results along with methodological developments are needed before field applications can be envisaged.

RevDate: 2025-02-13

Vorozheykin PS, II Titov (2024)

Computer analysis shows differences between mitochondrial miRNAs and other miRNAs.

Vavilovskii zhurnal genetiki i selektsii, 28(8):834-842.

A subclass of miRNAs with as yet unknown specific functions is mitomiRs - mitochondrial miRNAs that are mainly derived from nuclear DNA and are imported into mitochondria; moreover, changes in the expression levels of mitomiRs are associated with some diseases. To identify the most pronounced characteristics of mitochondrial miRNAs that distinguish them from other miRNAs, we classified mitomiR sequences using the Random Forest algorithm. The analysis revealed, for the first time, a significant difference between mitomiRs and other microRNAs by the following criteria (in descending order of importance in the classification): mitomiRs are evolutionarily older (have a lower phylostratigraphic age index, PAI); have more targets and disease associations, including mitochondrial ones (two-sided Fisher's exact test, average p-values 1.82 × 10-89/1.13 × 10-96 for all mRNA/diseases and 6.01 × 10-22/1.09 × 10-9 for mitochondria, respectively); and are in the class of "circulating" miRNAs (average p- value 1.20 × 10-56). The identified differences between mitomiRs and other miRNAs may help uncover the mode of miRNA delivery into mitochondria, indicate the evolutionary conservation and importance of mitomiRs in the regulation of mitochondrial function and metabolism, and generally show that mitomiRs are not randomly encountered miRNAs. Information on 1,312 experimentally validated mitomiR sequences for three organisms (Homo sapiens, Mus musculus and Rattus norvegicus) is collected in the mitomiRdb database ( words: mitomiR; mitochondria; miRNA; evolution; database.

RevDate: 2025-02-13
CmpDate: 2025-02-13

Zeng Q, Yu Q, Mo Y, et al (2025)

Genome-Wide Identification and Functional Characterization of the Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase (ACAD) Family in Fusarium sacchari.

International journal of molecular sciences, 26(3): pii:ijms26030973.

Fusarium sacchari is one of the primary causal agents of Pokkah boeng disease (PBD), an important disease of sugarcane worldwide. The acyl-CoA dehydrogenases (ACADs) constitute a family of flavoenzymes involved in the β-oxidation of fatty acids and amino acid catabolism in mitochondria. However, the role of ACADs in the pathogenesis of F. sacchari is unclear. Here, 14 ACAD-encoding genes (FsACAD-1-FsACAD-14) were identified by screening the entire genome sequence of F. sacchari. The FsACAD genes are distributed across seven chromosomes and were classified into seven clades based on phylogenetic analysis of the protein sequences. In vivo mRNA quantification revealed that the FsACAD genes are differentially expressed during sugarcane infection, and their expression patterns differ significantly in response to the in vitro induction of fatty acids of different classes. Fatty acid utilization assays of the FsACAD-deletion mutants revealed that the FsACADs varied in their preference and ability to break down different fatty acids and amino acids. There was variation in the adverse impact of FsACAD-deletion mutants on fungal traits, including growth, conidiation, stress tolerance, and virulence. These findings provide insights into the roles of FsACADs in F. sacchari, and the identification of FsACADs offers potential new targets for the improved control of PBD.

RevDate: 2025-02-13
CmpDate: 2025-02-12

Zhang Y, Sun J, Li S, et al (2025)

The Potential Mechanism of Cuproptosis in Hemocytes of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas upon Elesclomol Treatment.

Cells, 14(3):.

Cuproptosis is a novel cell death dependent on mitochondrial respiration and regulated by copper. While the study of it is mainly focused on tumor therapy, in the present study, two key cuproptosis-related genes, ferredoxin (FDX1) and dihydrolipoamide S-acetyltransferase (DLAT) homologs (designated as CgFDX1 and CgDLAT), were identified from Crassostrea gigas. CgFDX1 has a Fer2 domain with a 2Fe-2S cluster forming a unique ferredoxin. CgDLAT is composed of a biotin_lipoyl domain, an E3-binding domain, and a 2-oxoacid_dh domain. CgFDX1 and CgDLAT mRNA were expressed in all the examined tissues. After elesclomol treatment, both mRNA and protein expressions of them were reduced in the hemocytes. The mortality rate of the hemocytes increased significantly, and the hemocytes were accompanied with noticeable adhesive abnormalities and heightened secretion after elesclomol treatment. Additionally, the accumulation or depletion of actin was observed in the hemocytes. The integrity of the double membrane structure of the mitochondria was compromised, and the organization of mitochondrial cristae was disrupted. The contents of copper, malondialdehyde (MDA), pyruvic acid and mitoSOX as well as the ratio of cells with low mitochondrial potential increased significantly in the hemocytes upon elesclomol treatment and the content of citric acid decreased significantly. These findings suggest the potential presence of cuproptosis in oysters and its activation mechanism is relatively conserved in evolution.

RevDate: 2025-02-12

Tatarczuch A, Gogola-Mruk J, Kotarska K, et al (2025)

Mitochondrial activity and steroid secretion in mouse ovarian granulosa cells are suppressed by a PFAS mixture.

Toxicology, 512:154083 pii:S0300-483X(25)00039-3 [Epub ahead of print].

The accumulation of a number of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) in ovarian follicular fluid (FF) has been documented, raising serious questions about their impact on female fertility. Here, we tested the hypothesis that a mixture of PFASs acts in a paracrine manner on granulosa cells (GCs) as a metabolism-disrupting chemical. We selected perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS; 22.4 ng/mL), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA; 14.5 ng/mL), perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS; 21.3 ng/mL), perfluorodecanoic acid (PFDA; 0.9 ng/mL), perfluoroheptane sulphonate (PFHpA; 0.6 ng/mL), perfluoroundecanoic acid (PFUnDA; 0.4 ng/mL), and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA; 2 ng/mL), which were the most commonly detected PFASs in FF of women undergoing assisted reproductive technology treatment. Exposure of mouse GCs to the PFAS mixture decreased the amount of active mitochondria and the mitochondrial membrane potential, which correlated with a reduction in ATP production and inhibition of oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS). At the same time, expression of the mitochondrial membrane-associated steroidogenic enzyme 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3βHSD) and production of the major steroids progesterone and estradiol were decreased. In addition, expression and activity of superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1), an enzyme that neutralizes reactive oxygen species (ROS), were decreased while ROS levels and lipid peroxidation were increased without cell death, indicating that the PFAS mixture had subtoxic effects. Our results show that PFAS mixtures, at concentrations similar to those found in human FF led to GC dysfunction by impairing mitochondrial function and steroid secretions and therefore may have implications for reproductive health.

RevDate: 2025-02-08

Shi X, Ma C, Chen N, et al (2025)

Selection increases mitonuclear DNA discordance but reconciles incompatibility in African cattle.

Molecular biology and evolution pii:8005707 [Epub ahead of print].

Mitochondrial function relies on the coordinated interactions between genes in the mitochondrial (mtDNA) and nuclear genomes. Imperfect interactions following mitonuclear incompatibility may lead to reduced fitness. MtDNA introgressions across species and populations are common and well documented. Various strategies may be expected to reconcile mitonuclear incompatibility in hybrids or admixed individuals. African admixed cattle (Bos taurus × B. indicus) show sex-biased admixture, with taurine (B. taurus) mtDNA and a nuclear genome predominantly of humped zebu (B. indicus). Here, we leveraged local ancestry inference approaches to identify the ancestry and distribution patterns of nuclear functional genes associated with the mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation process in the genomes of African admixed cattle. We show that most of the nuclear genes involved in mitonuclear interactions are under selection and of humped zebu ancestry. Variation in mtDNA copy number (mtDNA-CN) may have contributed to the recovery of optimal mitochondrial function following admixture with the regulation of gene expression, alleviating or nullifying mitochondrial dysfunction. Interestingly, some nuclear mitochondrial genes with enrichment in taurine ancestry may have originated from ancient African aurochs (B. primigenius africanus) introgression. They may have contributed to the local adaptation of African cattle to pathogen burdens. Our study provides further support and new evidence showing that the successful settlement of cattle across the continent was a complex mechanism involving adaptive introgression, mtDNA-CN variation, regulation of gene expression, and selection of ancestral mitochondria-related genes.

RevDate: 2025-02-06

Erkosar B, Dupuis C, Savary L, et al (2025)

Shared genetic architecture links energy metabolism, behavior and starvation resistance along a power-endurance axis.

Evolution letters, 9(1):150-162.

Shared developmental, physiological, and molecular mechanisms can generate strong genetic covariances across suites of traits, constraining genetic variability, and evolvability to certain axes in multivariate trait space ("variational modules" or "syndromes"). Such trait suites will not only respond jointly to selection; they will also covary across populations that diverged from one another by genetic drift. We report evidence for such a genetically correlated trait suite that links traits related to energy metabolism along a "power-endurance" axis in Drosophila melanogaster. The "power" pole of the axis is characterized by high potential for energy generation and expenditure-high expression of glycolysis and TCA cycle genes, high abundance of mitochondria, and high spontaneous locomotor activity. The opposite "endurance" pole is characterized by high triglyceride (fat) reserves, locomotor endurance, and starvation resistance (and low values of traits associated with the "power" pole). This trait suite also aligns with the first principal component of metabolome; the "power" direction is characterized by low levels of trehalose (blood sugar) and high levels of some amino acids and their derivatives, including creatine, a compound known to facilitate energy production in muscles. Our evidence comes from six replicate "Selected" populations adapted to a nutrient-poor larval diet regime during 250 generations of experimental evolution and six "Control" populations evolved in parallel on a standard diet regime. We found that, within each of these experimental evolutionary regimes, the above traits strongly covaried along this "power-endurance" axis across replicate populations which diversified by drift, indicating a shared genetic architecture. The two evolutionary regimes also drove divergence along this axis, with Selected populations on average displaced towards the "power" direction compared to Controls. Aspects of this "power-endurance" axis resemble the "pace of life" syndrome and the "thrifty phenotype"; it may have evolved as part of a coordinated organismal response to nutritional conditions.

RevDate: 2025-02-06
CmpDate: 2025-02-04

Iliushchenko D, Efimenko B, Mikhailova AG, et al (2025)

Deciphering the Foundations of Mitochondrial Mutational Spectra: Replication-Driven and Damage-Induced Signatures Across Chordate Classes.

Molecular biology and evolution, 42(2):.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutagenesis remains poorly understood despite its crucial role in disease, aging, and evolutionary tracing. In this study, we reconstructed a comprehensive 192-component mtDNA mutational spectrum for chordates by analyzing 118,397 synonymous mutations in the CytB gene across 1,697 species and five classes. This analysis revealed three primary forces shaping mtDNA mutagenesis: (i) symmetrical, replication-driven errors by mitochondrial polymerase (POLG), resulting in C > T and A > G mutations that are highly conserved across classes; (ii) asymmetrical, damage-driven C > T mutations on the single-stranded heavy strand with clock-like dynamics; and (iii) asymmetrical A > G mutations on the heavy strand, with dynamics suggesting sensitivity to oxidative damage. The third component, sensitive to oxidative damage, positions mtDNA mutagenesis as a promising marker for metabolic and physiological processes across various classes, species, organisms, tissues, and cells. The deconvolution of the mutational spectra into mutational signatures uncovered deficiencies in both base excision repair (BER) and mismatch repair (MMR) pathways. Further analysis of mutation hotspots, abasic sites, and mutational asymmetries underscores the critical role of single-stranded DNA damage (components ii and iii), which, uncorrected due to BER and MMR deficiencies, contributes roughly as many mutations as POLG-induced errors (component i).

RevDate: 2025-02-05
CmpDate: 2025-02-04

Park S, Hwang Y, Kim H, et al (2025)

Insights into the nuclear-organelle DNA integration in Cicuta virosa (Apiaceae) provided by complete plastid and mitochondrial genomes.

BMC genomics, 26(1):102.

BACKGROUND: Gene transfer between the organelles and the nucleus plays a central role in shaping plant genome evolution. The identification and analysis of nuclear DNA of plastid (NUPTs) and mitochondrial (NUMTs) origins are important for exploring the extent of intracellular DNA transfer in genomes.

RESULTS: We report the complete plastid and mitochondrial genomes (plastome and mitogenome) of Cicuta virosa (Apiaceae) as well as a draft nuclear genome using high-fidelity (HiFi) PacBio sequencing technologies. The C. virosa plastome (154,449 bp) is highly conserved, with a quadripartite structure, whereas the mitogenome (406,112 bp) exhibits two chromosomes (352,718 bp and 53,394 bp). The mitochondrial-encoded genes (rpl2, rps14, rps19, and sdh3) were successfully transferred to the nuclear genome. Our findings revealed extensive DNA transfer from organelles to the nucleus, with 6,686 NUPTs and 6,237 NUMTs detected, covering nearly the entire plastome (99.93%) and a substantial portion of the mitogenome (77.04%). These transfers exhibit a range of sequence identities (80-100%), suggesting multiple transfer events over evolutionary timescales. Recent DNA transfer between organelles and the nucleus is more frequent in mitochondria than that in plastids.

CONCLUSIONS: This study contributes to the understanding of ongoing genome evolution in C. virosa and underscores the significance of the organelle-nuclear genome interplay in plant species. Our findings provide valuable insights into the evolutionary processes that shape organelle genomes in Apiaceae, with implications for broader plant genome evolution.

RevDate: 2025-02-04
CmpDate: 2025-02-02

Hao J, Liang Y, Wang T, et al (2025)

Correlations of gene expression, codon usage bias, and evolutionary rates of the mitochondrial genome show tissue differentiation in Ophioglossum vulgatum.

BMC plant biology, 25(1):134.

BACKGROUND: Mitochondria are crucial for energy production in plant tissues, but their quantity and activity vary in different tissues and developmental processes. Determining the factors underlying differential molecular evolutionary rates has long been a central question in evolutionary biology, with expression level emerging as the prime predictor. Although we have previously observed an anti-correlation between expression level (E) and evolutionary rate (R) in chloroplast genes, it remains unclear whether such an anti-correlation exists in plant mitochondrial genes. Ophioglossum vulgatum is a typical plant belonging to the Ophioglossaceae, characterized by its unique morphology with only a single leaf above ground. It holds significant scientific and medicinal value. Using the mitochondrial genome and transcriptome data of O. vulgatum, we first analyzed the correlation between mitochondrial gene expression, codon usage bias, and evolutionary rates in different tissues.

RESULTS: Our findings indicated that mitochondrial gene expression level was the strongest between stem and leaf, while the weakest was between sporangium and root. Kruskal-Wallis tests revealed significant differences across various tissue types. Codon usage bias was influenced by both mutation and selection, with selection exerting a greater impact. The Spearman's rank correlation coefficients between codon adaptation index and expression levels of sporangium, stem, leaf, and root were 0.1178, 0.3926, 0.4463, and 0.2945, respectively, with significance in stem and leaf (P < 0.05). The correlation coefficients between the nonsynonymous substitution rate (dN) and expression levels in sporangium, stem, leaf, and root were -0.0840, -0.1786, -0.1714, and -0.0857, respectively, yet none are statistically significant. The correlation coefficient between the synonymous substitution rate (dS) and expression levels in sporangium was negative, whereas those between dS and the stem, leaf, and root were positive, although they were not significant. The dN/dS ratio exhibited a significant negative correlation with expression levels in both leaf and root (P < 0.05).

CONCLUSIONS: For the first time, our study revealed differences in the correlation between mitochondrial gene expression and codon usage bias, as well as evolutionary rates, across various tissues of O. vulgatum. Moreover, we also provide novel insights into understanding the effects of plant mitochondrial gene expression on evolutionary patterns.

RevDate: 2025-02-01

Uzoigwe CE (2025)

Nuclear Quantum Effects Explain Chemiosmosis: The Power of the Proton.

Bio Systems pii:S0303-2647(25)00017-6 [Epub ahead of print].

ATP is a universal bio-currency, with chemiosmosis the metabolic mint by which currency is printed. Chemiosmosis leverages a membrane potential and ion gradient, typically a proton gradient, to generate ATP. The current chemiosmotic hypothesis is both cannon and dogma. However, there are obstacles to the unqualified and uncritical acceptance of this model. Intriguingly the proton is sufficiently small to exhibit quantum phenomena of wave-particle duality, often thought the exclusive prerogative of smaller subcellular particles. Evidence shows that chemiosmosis is by necessity critically dependent upon these nuclear quantum effects (NQE) of hydrogen, most notably as a proton. It is well established scientific orthodoxy that protons in water and hydrogen atoms of water molecules exhibit quantum phenomena. The effect is amplified by the hydrogen bonding and juxta-membrane location of protons in mitochondria and chloroplasts. NQE explains the otherwise inexplicable features of chemiosmosis, including the paucity of protons, the rate of the proton movement and ATP genesis in otherwise subliminal proton motive forces and thus functionality of alkaliphiles. It also accounts for the efficiencies of chemiosmosis reported at greater than 100% in certain contexts, which violates the second law of thermodynamics under the paradigm of classical physics. Mitochondria may have evolved to exploit quantum biology with notable features such as dimeric ATP synthases adumbrating the first double-slip experiment with the protons. The dramatic global deceleration of mitochondrial chemiosmosis and all cellular function following proton substitution with is heavier isotopes, deuterium and tritium: "deuteruction", is testimony to the primacy of nuclear quantum effects in this Quantum Chemiosmosis. Indeed the speed of evolution itself and its inexorable route to homeothermy may be due to the power of nuclear quantum effects of the smallest nucleus, the proton. The atom that is almost nothing was selected to bring about the most important processes and complex manifestations of life.

RevDate: 2025-01-31

Brzezniakiewicz-Janus K, Jarczak J, Konopko A, et al (2025)

Mitochondria Express Functional Signaling Ligand-Binding Receptors that Regulate their Biological Responses - the Novel Role of Mitochondria as Stress-Response Sentinels.

Stem cell reviews and reports [Epub ahead of print].

Evidence accumulated mitochondria, as the "powerplants of the cell," express several functional receptors for external ligands that modify their function and regulate cell biology. This review sheds new light on the role of these organelles in sensing external stimuli to facilitate energy production for cellular needs. This is possible because mitochondria express some receptors on their membranes that are responsible for their autonomous responses. This is not surprising given the widely accepted hypothesis that these intracellular organelles originated from prokaryotic ancestors that fused with eukaryotic cells during early evolution. It has been reported that mitochondria express functional estrogen, androgen, glucocorticoid, 5-hydroxytryptamine, melatonin, and cannabinoid receptors. What is intriguing is recent evidence showing that mitochondria could also be directly regulated by active mediators of intracellular complement (complosome) and intrinsic mediators of purinergic signaling. Accordingly, they express receptors for intracellular complement cleavage fragments (C5a and C3a) as well as for adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which, besides its crucial role in transferring energy in the cells, is also an important signaling molecule interacting with P2X7 receptor expressed not only on the cell surface but also on the mitochondria membrane. Based on this, intrinsic complosome and purinergic signaling mediators emerge as important cooperating regulators of reactive oxygen species (ROS) release from mitochondria and activators of intracellular pattern recognition receptor Nlrp3 inflammasome. This activation within the beneficial "hormetic zone response" regulates cell metabolism, proliferation, migration, and adaptation to the surrounding challenges of the microenvironment in a favorable way.

RevDate: 2025-02-01
CmpDate: 2025-01-29

Zhao K, Zhang H, Ding W, et al (2025)

Adipokines regulate the development and progression of MASLD through organellar oxidative stress.

Hepatology communications, 9(2):.

The prevalence of metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD), which is increasingly being recognized as a leading cause of chronic liver pathology globally, is increasing. The pathophysiological underpinnings of its progression, which is currently under active investigation, involve oxidative stress. Human adipose tissue, an integral endocrine organ, secretes an array of adipokines that are modulated by dietary patterns and lifestyle choices. These adipokines intricately orchestrate regulatory pathways that impact glucose and lipid metabolism, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial function, thereby influencing the evolution of hepatic steatosis and progression to metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH). This review examines recent data, underscoring the critical interplay of oxidative stress, reactive oxygen species, and redox signaling in adipokine-mediated mechanisms. The role of various adipokines in regulating the onset and progression of MASLD/MASH through mitochondrial dysfunction and endoplasmic reticulum stress and the underlying mechanisms are discussed. Due to the emerging correlation between adipokines and the development of MASLD positions, these adipokines are potential targets for the development of innovative therapeutic interventions for MASLD management. A comprehensive understanding of the pathogenesis of MASLD/MASH is instrumental for identifying therapies for MASH.

RevDate: 2025-01-29

Li J, Cui J, Y Tian (2022)

Neuron-periphery mitochondrial stress communication in aging and diseases.

Life medicine, 1(2):168-178.

The nervous system is the central hub of the body, detecting environmental and internal stimuli to regulate organismal metabolism via communications to the peripheral tissues. Mitochondria play an essential role in neuronal activity by supplying energy, maintaining cellular metabolism, and buffering calcium levels. A variety of mitochondrial conditions are associated with aging and age-related neurological disorders. Beyond regulating individual neuron cells, mitochondria also coordinate signaling in tissues and organs during stress conditions to mediate systemic metabolism and enable organisms to adapt to such stresses. In addition, peripheral organs and immune cells can also produce signaling molecules to modulate neuronal function. Recent studies have found that mitokines released upon mitochondrial stresses affect metabolism and the physiology of different tissues and organs at a distance. Here, we summarize recent advances in understanding neuron-periphery mitochondrial stress communication and how mitokine signals contribute to the systemic regulation of metabolism and aging with potential implications for therapeutic strategies.

RevDate: 2025-01-29
CmpDate: 2025-01-27

Tan I, Chothani S, Lim HH, et al (2025)

Alu-Sc-mediated exonization generated a mitochondrial LKB1 gene variant found only in higher order primates.

Scientific reports, 15(1):3360.

The tumor suppressor LKB1/STK11 plays important roles in regulating cellular metabolism and stress responses and its mutations are associated with various cancers. We recently identified a novel exon 1b within intron 1 of human LKB1/STK11, which generates an alternatively spliced, mitochondria-targeting LKB1 isoform important for regulating mitochondrial oxidative stress. Here we examined the formation of this novel exon 1b and uncovered its relatively late emergence during evolution. Analyses of putative exon 1b genomic sequences within the primate superfamily indicated that the exonization of LKB1/STK11 exon 1b was mediated by the conserved retrotransposable element Alu-Sc. While putative exon 1b sequences are recognizable in most members of the primate family from New World Monkeys onwards, characteristically functional LKB1/STK11 exon 1b, with translation start and 5' and 3' splice sites, could only be found in greater apes and human, and interestingly, correlates with their increased body mass and longevity development.

RevDate: 2025-01-28
CmpDate: 2025-01-25

Komza M, Khatun J, Gelles JD, et al (2025)

Metabolic adaptations to acute glucose uptake inhibition converge upon mitochondrial respiration for leukemia cell survival.

Cell communication and signaling : CCS, 23(1):47.

One hallmark of cancer is the upregulation and dependency on glucose metabolism to fuel macromolecule biosynthesis and rapid proliferation. Despite significant pre-clinical effort to exploit this pathway, additional mechanistic insights are necessary to prioritize the diversity of metabolic adaptations upon acute loss of glucose metabolism. Here, we investigated a potent small molecule inhibitor to Class I glucose transporters, KL-11743, using glycolytic leukemia cell lines and patient-based model systems. Our results reveal that while several metabolic adaptations occur in response to acute glucose uptake inhibition, the most critical is increased mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation. KL-11743 treatment efficiently blocks the majority of glucose uptake and glycolysis, yet markedly increases mitochondrial respiration via enhanced Complex I function. Compared to partial glucose uptake inhibition, dependency on mitochondrial respiration is less apparent suggesting robust blockage of glucose uptake is essential to create a metabolic vulnerability. When wild-type and oncogenic RAS patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cell acute myeloid leukemia (AML) models were examined, KL-11743 mediated induction of mitochondrial respiration and dependency for survival associated with oncogenic RAS. Furthermore, we examined the therapeutic potential of these observations by treating a cohort of primary AML patient samples with KL-11743 and witnessed similar dependency on mitochondrial respiration for sustained cellular survival. Together, these data highlight conserved adaptations to acute glucose uptake inhibition in diverse leukemic models and AML patient samples, and position mitochondrial respiration as a key determinant of treatment success.

RevDate: 2025-01-27
CmpDate: 2025-01-25

Han L, Yang Y, Lu M, et al (2024)

Mitogenome Phylogenetics of Spiruromorpha Porpoise Parasite: Insights Into Phylogeny of Crassicauda magna.

Pathogens (Basel, Switzerland), 14(1):.

(1) Background: Crassicauda magna is a major parasite of large porpoises and whales and has been classified in the Habronematoidea family. However, there has been a great controversy regarding its classification. Mitochondria have an important function in revealing taxonomic and evolutionary history. (2) Methods: In this study, we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of C. magna and conducted a phylogenetic analysis with the mitochondrial sequences of species belonging to the Habronematoidea family. (3) Results: The complete mitochondrial genome was 13,604 bp and it has an AT-rich sequence and one non-coding region (NCR). The reconstruction of the ancestral state showed that the gene orders of all species in Spirurina were conserved. The phylogenetic tree indicates that C. magna is closer to Heliconema longissimum (Physalopteroidea) than Tetrameres grusi (Habronematoidea). (4) Conclusions: This study provides new evidence that C. magna is phylogenetically closer to Physalopteroidea at the molecular taxonomic level.

RevDate: 2025-01-25
CmpDate: 2025-01-25

Cui J, Yang Q, Zhang J, et al (2025)

Mitochondrial Genome Insights into Evolution and Gene Regulation in Phragmites australis.

International journal of molecular sciences, 26(2): pii:ijms26020546.

As a globally distributed perennial Gramineae, Phragmites australis can adapt to harsh ecological environments and has significant economic and environmental values. Here, we performed a complete assembly and annotation of the mitogenome of P. australis using genomic data from the PacBio and BGI platforms. The P. australis mitogenome is a multibranched structure of 501,134 bp, divided into two circular chromosomes of 325,493 bp and 175,641 bp, respectively. A sequence-simplified succinate dehydrogenase 4 gene was identified in this mitogenome, which is often translocated to the nuclear genome in the mitogenomes of gramineous species. We also identified tissue-specific mitochondrial differentially expressed genes using RNAseq data, providing new insights into understanding energy allocation and gene regulatory strategies in the long-term adaptive evolution of P. australis mitochondria. In addition, we studied the mitogenome features of P. australis in more detail, including repetitive sequences, gene Ka/Ks analyses, codon preferences, intracellular gene transfer, RNA editing, and multispecies phylogenetic analyses. Our results provide an essential molecular resource for understanding the genetic characterisation of the mitogenome of P. australis and provide a research basis for population genetics and species evolution in Arundiaceae.

RevDate: 2025-01-23

Gureev AP, Nesterova VV, IS Sadovnikova (2025)

Long-range PCR as a tool for evaluating mitochondrial DNA damage: Principles, benefits, and limitations of the technique.

DNA repair, 146:103812 pii:S1568-7864(25)00008-4 [Epub ahead of print].

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is often more susceptible to damage compared to nuclear DNA. This is due to its localization in the mitochondrial matrix, where a large portion of reactive oxygen species are produced. Mitochondria do not have histones and mtDNA is only slightly protected by histone-like proteins and is believed to have less efficient repair mechanisms. In this review, we discuss the long-range PCR method, which allows for the effective detection of mtDNA damage. The method is based on the assumption that various types of DNA lesions can interfere the progress of DNA polymerase, resulting in reduced amplification efficiency. It can be used to estimate the number of additional (above background) lesions in mtDNA. The review outlines the evolution of the methodology, its variations, applications in a wide range of model organisms, the advantages of the method and its limitations, as well as ways to overcome these limitations. Over the past two decades, the use of long-range PCR has allowed the study of mtDNA repair mechanisms, the characteristics of mitochondrial genome damage in various neurodegenerative diseases, aging, ischemic and oncological processes, as well as in anticancer therapy. The assessment of mtDNA damage has also been proposed for use in environmental biomonitoring. This review provides a critical evaluation of the various variations of this method, summarizes the accumulated data, and discusses the role of mtDNA damage in different organs at the organismal level.

RevDate: 2025-01-23

Weinstein B, Wang Z, Zhou Q, et al (2025)

ZW sex chromosome differentiation in paleognathous birds is associated with mitochondrial effective population size but not mitochondrial genome size or mutation rate.

Genome biology and evolution pii:7976933 [Epub ahead of print].

Eukaryotic genome size varies considerably, even among closely related species. The causes of this variation are unclear, but weak selection against supposedly costly "extra" genomic sequences has been central to the debate for over 50 years. The mutational hazard hypothesis, which focuses on the increased mutation rate to null alleles in superfluous sequences, is particularly influential, though challenging to test. This study examines the sex chromosomes and mitochondrial genomes of 15 flightless or semi-flighted paleognathous bird species. In this clade, the non-recombining portion of the W chromosome has independently expanded stepwise in multiple lineages. Given the shared maternal inheritance of the W chromosome and mitochondria, theory predicts that mitochondrial effective population size (Ne) should decrease due to increased Hill-Robertson Interference in lineages with expanded non-recombining W regions. Our findings support the extent of the non-recombining W region with three indicators of reduced selective efficiency: (1) the ratio of non-synonymous to synonymous nucleotide changes in the mitochondrion, (2) the probability of radical amino acid changes, and (3) the number of ancient, W-linked genes lost through evolution. Next, we tested whether reduced Ne affects mitochondrial genome size, as predicted by weak selection against genome expansion. We find no support for a relationship between mitochondrial genome size and expanded non-recombining W regions, nor with increased mitochondrial mutation rates (predicted to modulate selective costs). These results highlight the utility of non-recombining regions and mitochondrial genomes for studying genome evolution and challenge the general idea of a negative relation between the efficacy of selection and genome size.

RevDate: 2025-01-23

Wang S, H Luo (2025)

Dating the bacterial tree of life based on ancient symbiosis.

Systematic biology pii:7976854 [Epub ahead of print].

Obtaining a timescale for bacterial evolution is crucial to understand early life evolution but is difficult owing to the scarcity of bacterial fossils. Here, we introduce multiple new time constraints to calibrate bacterial evolution based on ancient symbiosis. This idea is implemented using a bacterial tree constructed with genes found in the mitochondrial lineages phylogenetically embedded within Proteobacteria. The expanded mitochondria-bacterial tree allows the node age constraints of eukaryotes established by their abundant fossils to be propagated to ancient co-evolving bacterial symbionts and across the bacterial tree of life. Importantly, we formulate a new probabilistic framework that considers uncertainty in inference of the ancestral lifestyle of modern symbionts to apply 19 relative time constraints (RTC) each informed by host-symbiont association to constrain bacterial symbionts no older than their eukaryotic host. Moreover, we develop an approach to incorporating substitution mixture models that better accommodate substitutional saturation and compositional heterogeneity for dating deep phylogenies. Our analysis estimates that the last bacterial common ancestor (LBCA) occurred approximately 4.0-3.5 billion years ago (Ga), followed by rapid divergence of major bacterial clades. It is generally robust to alternative root ages, root positions, tree topologies, fossil ages, ancestral lifestyle reconstruction, gene sets, among other factors. The obtained timetree serves as a foundation for testing hypotheses regarding bacterial diversification and its correlation with geobiological events across different timescales.

RevDate: 2025-01-23
CmpDate: 2025-01-21

Tan S, Wang W, Li J, et al (2025)

Comprehensive analysis of 111 Pleuronectiformes mitochondrial genomes: insights into structure, conservation, variation and evolution.

BMC genomics, 26(1):50.

BACKGROUND: Pleuronectiformes, also known as flatfish, are important model and economic animals. However, a comprehensive genome survey of their important organelles, mitochondria, has been limited. Therefore, we aim to analyze the genomic structure, codon preference, nucleotide diversity, selective pressure and repeat sequences, as well as reconstruct the phylogenetic relationship using the mitochondrial genomes of 111 flatfish species.

RESULTS: Our analysis revealed a conserved gene content of protein-coding genes and rRNA genes, but varying numbers of tRNA genes and control regions across species. Various gene rearrangements were found in flatfish species, especially for the rearrangement of nad5-nad6-cytb block in Samaridae family, the swapping rearrangement of nad6 and cytb gene in Bothidae family, as well as the control region translocation and tRNA-Gln gene inversion in the subfamily Cynoglossinae, suggesting their unique evolutionary history and/or functional benefit. Codon usage showed obvious biases, with adenine being the most frequent nucleotide at the third codon position. Nucleotide diversity and selective pressure analysis suggested that different protein-coding genes underwent varying degrees of evolutionary pressure, with cytb and cox genes being the most conserved ones. Phylogenetic analysis using both whole mitogenome information and concatenated independently aligned protein-coding genes largely mirrored the taxonomic classification of the species, but showed different phylogeny. The identification of simple sequence repeats and various long repetitive sequences provided additional complexity of genome organization and offered markers for evolutionary studies and breeding practices.

CONCLUSIONS: This study represents a significant step forward in our comprehension of the flatfish mitochondrial genomes, providing valuable insights into the structure, conservation and variation within flatfish mitogenomes, with implications for understanding their evolutionary history, functional genomics and fisheries management. Future research can delve deeper into conservation biology, evolutionary biology and functional usages of variations.

RevDate: 2025-01-20
CmpDate: 2025-01-17

Li H, Liu L, Qiu Z, et al (2025)

Complete mitochondrial genome assembly and comparative analysis of Colocasia esculenta.

BMC plant biology, 25(1):67.

Colocasia esculenta ranks as the fifth most important tuber crop and is known for its high nutritional and medicinal value. However, there is no research on its mitochondrial genome, hindering in-depth exploration of its genomic resources and genetic relationships. Using second- and third-generation sequencing technologies, we assembled and annotated the mitogenome of C. esculenta. Its mitogenome mainly consists of five circular DNA molecules, with a total length of 594,811 bp and a GC content of 46.25%. A total of 55 genes, 157 simple sequence repeats, 29 tandem repeat sequences, 202 dispersed repeat sequences, and 625 RNA editing sites were detected. Most protein-coding genes use ATG as the start codon, and the third position of the codon tends to be A or T (U). GAA, AUU, and UUU are the most common codons in C. esculenta mitochondria. Finally, based on 28 representative plant species, a phylogenetic tree was constructed, revealing a close relationship between C. esculenta and Araceae. This study provides comprehensive information on C. esculenta, laying a foundation for crop genetics and molecular breeding.

RevDate: 2025-01-16
CmpDate: 2025-01-14

Mazzocca A, Ferraro G, G Misciagna (2025)

The systemic evolutionary theory of the origin of cancer (SETOC): an update.

Molecular medicine (Cambridge, Mass.), 31(1):12.

The Systemic Evolutionary Theory of the Origin of Cancer (SETOC) is a recently proposed theory founded on two primary principles: the cooperative and endosymbiotic process of cell evolution as described by Lynn Margulis, and the integration of complex systems operating in eukaryotic cells, which is a core concept in systems biology. The SETOC proposes that malignant transformation occurs when cells undergo a continuous adaptation process in response to long-term injuries, leading to tissue remodeling, chronic inflammation, fibrosis, and ultimately cancer. This process involves a maladaptive response, wherein the 'endosymbiotic contract' between the nuclear-cytoplasmic system (derived from the primordial archaeal cell) and the mitochondrial system (derived from the primordial α-proteobacterium) gradually breaks down. This ultimately leads to uncoordinated behaviors and functions in transformed cells. The decoupling of the two cellular subsystems causes transformed cells to acquire phenotypic characteristics analogous to those of unicellular organisms, as well as certain biological features of embryonic development that are normally suppressed. These adaptive changes enable cancer cells to survive in the harsh tumor microenvironment characterized by low oxygen concentrations, inadequate nutrients, increased catabolic waste, and increased acidity. De-endosymbiosis reprograms the sequential metabolic functions of glycolysis, the TCA cycle, and oxidative phosphorylation (OxPhos). This leads to increased lactate fermentation (Warburg effect), respiratory chain dysfunction, and TCA cycle reversal. Here, we present an updated version of the SETOC that incorporates the fundamental principles outlined by this theory and integrates the epistemological approach used to develop it.

RevDate: 2025-01-13

Ricou A, Simon M, Duflos R, et al (2025)

Identification of novel genes responsible for a pollen killer present in local natural populations of Arabidopsis thaliana.

PLoS genetics, 21(1):e1011451 pii:PGENETICS-D-24-01160 [Epub ahead of print].

Gamete killers are genetic loci that distort segregation in the progeny of hybrids because the killer allele promotes the elimination of the gametes that carry the sensitive allele. They are widely distributed in eukaryotes and are important for understanding genome evolution and speciation. We had previously identified a pollen killer in hybrids between two distant natural accessions of Arabidopsis thaliana. This pollen killer involves three genetically linked genes, and we previously reported the identification of the gene encoding the antidote that protects pollen grains from the killer activity. In this study, we identified the two other genes of the pollen killer by using CRISPR-Cas9 induced mutants. These two genes are necessary for the killer activity that we demonstrated to be specific to pollen. The cellular localization of the pollen killer encoded proteins suggests that the pollen killer activity involves the mitochondria. Sequence analyses reveal predicted domains from the same families in the killer proteins. In addition, the C-terminal half of one of the killer proteins is identical to the antidote, and one amino acid, crucial for the antidote activity, is also essential for the killer function. Investigating more than 700 worldwide accessions of A. thaliana, we confirmed that the locus is subject to important structural rearrangements and copy number variation. By exploiting available de novo genomic sequences, we propose a scenario for the emergence of this pollen killer in A. thaliana. Furthermore, we report the co-occurrence and behavior of killer and sensitive genotypes in several local populations, a prerequisite for studying gamete killer evolution in the wild. This highlights the potential of the Arabidopsis model not only for functional studies of gamete killers but also for investigating their evolutionary trajectories at complementary geographical scales.

RevDate: 2025-01-11
CmpDate: 2025-01-11

Shi C, Guo Y, Yao L, et al (2025)

Development of a mitochondrial mini-barcode and its application in metabarcoding for identification of leech in traditional Chinese medicine.

Scientific reports, 15(1):1698.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the medicinal leech is vital for treatments to promote blood circulation and eliminate blood stasis. However, the prevalence of counterfeit leech products in the market undermines the quality and efficacy of these remedies. Traditional DNA barcoding techniques, such as the COI barcode, have been limited in their application due to amplification challenges. This study identified high variability in the 16 S rRNA gene within the mitochondrial genome across five leech species, leading to the development of a novel 219 bp mini-barcode. Compared with the traditional COI barcode, our mini-barcode showed remarkable identification efficiency, classifying 142 out of 147 leech samples from fresh and processed materials. In contrast, the COI barcode could only successfully identify 79 out of the 147 samples. In the case of seven batches of leech decoction pieces, the mini-barcode identified six, whereas the COI barcode only recognized one. Additionally, the mini-barcode effectively discerned five leech species within Chinese patent medicines when combined with metabarcoding technology. These results confirm the mini-barcode's potential as a reliable tool for rapidly and precisely identifying leech species in TCM products.

RevDate: 2025-01-11
CmpDate: 2025-01-11

Queiroz ALF, Garcia CB, Silva JPMO, et al (2024)

Preventive Effects of Resistance Training on Hemodynamics and Kidney Mitochondrial Bioenergetic Function in Ovariectomized Rats.

International journal of molecular sciences, 26(1):.

Menopause occurs due to the depletion of the ovarian reserve, leading to a progressive decline in estrogen (E2) levels. This decrease in E2 levels increases the risk of developing several diseases and can coexist with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Arterial hypertension (AH) is another condition associated with menopause and may either contribute to or result from CKD. Ovariectomy (OVX) induces hypoestrogenism, which can lead to mitochondrial bioenergetic dysfunction in the kidneys. Previous studies have suggested that exercise training has beneficial effects on adults with CKD and AH. To investigate the effects of OVX and resistance training (RT) on hemodynamic parameters and mitochondrial bioenergetic function of the kidney, female Wistar rats were divided into ovariectomized (OVX) and intact (INT) groups. These rats were either kept sedentary (SED) or subjected to RT for thirteen weeks. The RT involved climbing a vertical ladder with a workload apparatus. Hemodynamic parameters were assessed via tail plethysmography. Mitochondrial respiratory function was evaluated with high-resolution respirometry. Gene expression related to the electron transport chain (ETC) and oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) was evaluated by real-time qPCR. At week 13, key hemodynamic parameters (systolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure) were significantly elevated in the OVX-SED group. Compared with those in the other groups, mitochondrial bioenergetics were impaired in the OVX-SED group. In contrast, the trained groups presented improved mitochondrial bioenergetic function compared with the sedentary groups. OVX led to reduced gene expression related to the mitochondrial ETC and OXPHOS, whereas RT both prevented this reduction and increased gene expression in the trained groups. Our results indicate that hypoestrogenism significantly decreases OXPHOS and ETC capacity in the kidneys of sedentary animals. However, RT effectively increased the expression of genes related to mitochondrial ETC and OXPHOS, thereby counteracting the effects of OVX.

RevDate: 2025-01-08

de Oliveira EC, Tibúrcio R, Duarte G, et al (2025)

Pharmacological inhibition of key metabolic pathways attenuates Leishmania spp infection in macrophages.

PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 19(1):e0012763 pii:PNTD-D-24-00362 [Epub ahead of print].

Macrophages represent a fundamental component of the innate immune system that play a critical role in detecting and responding to pathogens as well as danger signals. Leishmania spp. infections lead to a notable alteration in macrophage metabolism, whereby infected cells display heightened energy metabolism that is linked to the integrity of host mitochondria. However, little is known about how different species of Leishmania manipulate host metabolism. Here, we demonstrate that despite differences in their mechanisms for evading host immune responses, L. amazonensis and L. braziliensis induce comparable disruptions in key metabolic pathways. We found that infected macrophages exhibited an overall elevation in energy metabolism regardless of the parasite strain, evidenced by the elevation in glycolysis and oxygen consumption rates, along with increased proton leak and decreased ATP production. We also analyzed the effects of both Leishmania spp. strain infection on mitochondria function, further revealing that infected cells display heightened mitochondrial mass and membrane potential. To investigate the metabolic pathways required for Leishmania amastigotes to persist in BMDMs, we pre-treated cells with small molecule drugs that target major metabolic pathways, revealing that perturbations in several metabolic processes affected parasite survival in a strain-independent manner. Treatments with inhibitors of the oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis substantially reduced parasite loads. Collectively, our findings suggest that L.amazonensis and L.braziliensis exploit host cell metabolic pathways similarly to survive in macrophages.

RevDate: 2025-01-09
CmpDate: 2025-01-09

de Quadros T, Jaramillo ML, Barreto C, et al (2025)

Modulation of mitochondrial dynamics genes and mtDNA during embryonic development and under UVB exposure.

Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology, 300:111790.

Studies using the embryos of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium olfersii have reported changes in embryonic cells after exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation, such as DNA damage and apoptosis activation. Considering the importance of mitochondria in embryonic cells, this study aimed to characterize the aspects of mitochondrial morphofunctionality in M. olfersii embryos and mitochondrial responses to UVB radiation exposure. The coding sequences of genes Tfam, Nrf1, Mfn1, and Drp1 were identified from the transcriptome of M. olfersii embryos. The phylogenetic relationship showed strong amino acid identity and a highly conserved nature of the sequences. Additionally, the number of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copies were higher in the early embryonic days. The results showed that the expression of the analyzed genes was highly regulated during embryonic development, increasing their levels near hatching. Furthermore, when embryos were exposed to UVB radiation, mitochondrial biogenesis was activated, recognized by higher levels of transcripts of genes Tfam and Nrf1, accompanied by mitochondrial fission. Additionally, these mitochondrial events were supported by an increase of mtDNA copies. Our results showed that UVB radiation was able to change the mitochondrial morphofunctionality, and under the current knowledge, certainly compromise embryonic cellular integrity. Additionally, mitochondria is an important cellular target of this radiation and its responses can be used to assess environmental stress caused by UVB radiation in embryos of aquatic species.

RevDate: 2025-01-07

Zou J, Liu Y, Tian C, et al (2024)

Understanding the Complexity of Hypertension with Sarcopenia by Scientometric Analysis.

Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 17:6211-6228.

OBJECTIVE: The scientometric analysis was aim to focus on recent studies and clarify new research directions on hypertension with sarcopenia. We hope to provide comprehensive insights or actionable recommendations for clinicians or policymakers.

METHODS: The Web of Science Core Collection database (WoSCC) from 2004 to 2023 for analysis was used. And VOSviewer, CiteSpace, and Origin software were utilized for scientometric analyses.

RESULTS: The United States was the primary contributor to 1,994 studies on hypertension with sarcopenia. The University of São Paulo emerged as the most prolific institution, with Morrell Nicholas W. being the most influential scholar and Cruz-Jentoft A.J. being the most co-cited author. PLoS One was the most prolific journal, whereas Circulation was the most relevant journal. Research has focused not only on physiological, biochemical, and cell biological mechanisms but also on sarcopenia associated with other diseases and involved in various fields, highlighting the complexity of the area and the need for integrative treatment. Keyword analysis revealed that, in addition to hypertension and sarcopenia, other topics such as obesity, pulmonary hypertension, old age, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, hypoxia, exercise, insulin resistance, and revascularization attracted attention. In recent years, COVID-19, mitochondria, handgrip strength, etc. have been hot topics, but aging, skeletal muscle, weight loss, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, heart failure, mitochondria, mortality, exercise, and physical activity seems to bridge hypertension and sarcopenia research.

CONCLUSION: This study highlights the distribution of fields, the structure of knowledge and the evolution of major research topics related to hypertension in patients with sarcopenia. Identifying keyword hotspots enhanced the comprehension of occurrence, development, and future research trends related to the topic.

RevDate: 2025-01-07
CmpDate: 2025-01-07

Golomb R, Dahan O, Dahary D, et al (2025)

Cell-autonomous adaptation: an overlooked avenue of adaptation in human evolution.

Trends in genetics : TIG, 41(1):12-22.

Adaptation to environmental conditions occurs over diverse evolutionary timescales. In multi-cellular organisms, adaptive traits are often studied in tissues/organs relevant to the environmental challenge. We argue for the importance of an underappreciated layer of evolutionary adaptation manifesting at the cellular level. Cell-autonomous adaptations (CAAs) are inherited traits that boost organismal fitness by enhancing individual cell function. For instance, the cell-autonomous enhancement of mitochondrial oxygen utilization in hypoxic environments differs from an optimized erythropoiesis response, which involves multiple tissues. We explore the breadth of CAAs across challenges and highlight their counterparts in unicellular organisms. Applying these insights, we mine selection signals in Andean highlanders, revealing novel candidate CAAs. The conservation of CAAs across species may reveal valuable insights into multi-cellular evolution.

RevDate: 2024-12-29

Wang Z, Sun W, Zhang K, et al (2024)

New insights into the relationship of mitochondrial metabolism and atherosclerosis.

Cellular signalling, 127:111580 pii:S0898-6568(24)00556-4 [Epub ahead of print].

Atherosclerotic cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases are the number one killer of human health. In view of the important role of mitochondria in the formation and evolution of atherosclerosis, our manuscript aims to comprehensively elaborate the relationship between mitochondria and the formation and evolution of atherosclerosis from the aspects of mitochondrial dynamics, mitochondria-organelle interaction (communication), mitochondria and cell death, mitochondria and vascular smooth muscle cell phenotypic switch, etc., which is combined with genome, transcriptome and proteome, in order to provide new ideas for the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis and the diagnosis and treatment of related diseases.

RevDate: 2024-12-20
CmpDate: 2024-12-20

Li W, Yang Z, Yan C, et al (2024)

The relationship between mitochondrial DNA haplotype and its copy number on body weight and morphological traits of Wuliangshan black-bone chickens.

PeerJ, 12:e17989.

Mitochondria play a pivotal role as carriers of genetic information through their circular DNA molecules. The rapid evolution of the D-loop region in mitochondria makes it an ideal molecular marker for exploring genetic differentiation among individuals within species and populations with close kinship. However, the influence of mtDNA D-loop region haplotypes and mtDNA copy numbers on phenotypic traits, particularly production traits in chickens, remains poorly understood. In this comprehensive study, we conducted D-loop region amplification and sequencing in the blood mitochondria of 232 female Wuliangshan black-bone chickens. Our investigation identified a total of 38 haplotypes, with a focus on 10 haplotypes that included more than five individuals. We meticulously analyzed the correlations between these haplotypes and a range of traits, encompassing body weight, tibial length, tibial circumference, body oblique length, chest width, and chest depth. The results unveiled significant disparities in specific tested traits across different haplotypes, indicating a tangible association between mtDNA haplotypes and traits in chickens. These findings underscore the potential impact of mitochondrial DNA variations on energy metabolism, ultimately leading to divergent chicken phenotypes. Furthermore, our examination revealed positive correlations between mtDNA copy numbers and tested traits for select haplotypes, while other haplotypes exhibited non-uniform relationships between traits and mtDNA copy numbers. In addition, phylogenetic analysis disclosed the involvement of two subspecies of red jungle chicken in the origin of Wuliangshan black-bone chickens. Consequently, our research contributes novel insights into mitochondrial genomic selection, augments comprehension of the roles played by haplotypes and mtDNA copy numbers in chicken population genetics and phylogenetic analysis, and furnishes fundamental data crucial for the preservation and provenance determination of black-bone chickens.

RevDate: 2024-12-20
CmpDate: 2024-12-20

Rhodes EM, Yap KN, Hill GE, et al (2024)

A Comparison of the Mitochondrial Performance between Migratory and Sedentary Mimid Thrushes.

Integrative and comparative biology, 64(6):1859-1870.

Birds exhibit a variety of migration strategies. Because sustained flapping flight requires the production of elevated levels of energy compared to typical daily activities, migratory birds are well-documented to have several physiological adaptations to support the energy demands of migration. However, even though mitochondria are the source of ATP that powers flight, the respiratory performance of the mitochondria is almost unstudied in the context of migration. We hypothesized that migratory species would have higher mitochondrial respiratory performance during migration compared to species that do not migrate. To test this hypothesis, we compared variables related to mitochondrial respiratory function between two confamilial bird species-the migratory Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) and the non-migratory Northern Mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos). Birds were captured at the same location along the Alabama Gulf Coast, where we assumed that Gray Catbirds were migrants and where resident Northern Mockingbirds live year-round. We found a trend in citrate synthase activity, which suggests that Gray Catbirds have a greater mitochondrial volume in their pectoralis muscle, but we observed no other differences in mitochondrial respiration or complex enzymatic activities between individuals from the migrant vs. the non-migrant species. However, when we assessed the catbirds included in our study using well-established indicators of migratory physiology, birds fell into two groups: a group with physiological parameters indicating a physiology of birds engaged in migration and a group with the physiology of birds not migrating. Thus, our comparison included catbirds that appeared to be outside of migratory condition. When we compared the mitochondrial performance of these three groups, we found that the mitochondrial respiratory capacity of migrating catbirds was very similar to that of Northern Mockingbirds, while the catbirds judged to be not migrating were lowest. One explanation for these observations is these species display very different daily flight behaviors. While the mockingbirds we sampled were not breeding nor migrating, they are highly active birds, living in the open and engaging in flapping flights throughout each day. In contrast, Gray Catbirds live in shrubs and fly infrequently when not migrating. Such differences in baseline energy needs likely confounded our attempt to study adaptations to migration.

RevDate: 2024-12-19

Smith TB, Kopajtich R, Demain LAM, et al (2024)

Bi-allelic variants in DAP3 result in reduced assembly of the mitoribosomal small subunit with altered apoptosis and a Perrault-syndrome-spectrum phenotype.

American journal of human genetics pii:S0002-9297(24)00416-6 [Epub ahead of print].

The mitochondrial ribosome (mitoribosome) synthesizes 13 protein subunits of the oxidative phosphorylation system encoded by the mitochondrial genome. The mitoribosome is composed of 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, and 82 mitoribosomal proteins encoded by nuclear genes. To date, variants in 12 genes encoding mitoribosomal proteins are associated with rare monogenic disorders and frequently show combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency. Here, we describe five unrelated individuals with bi-allelic variants in death-associated protein 3 (DAP3), a nuclear gene encoding mitoribosomal small subunit 29 (MRPS29), with variable clinical presentations ranging from Perrault syndrome (sensorineural hearing loss and ovarian insufficiency) to an early childhood neurometabolic phenotype. Assessment of respiratory-chain function and proteomic profiling of fibroblasts from affected individuals demonstrated reduced MRPS29 protein amounts and, consequently, decreased levels of additional protein components of the mitoribosomal small subunit, as well as an associated combined deficiency of complexes I and IV. Lentiviral transduction of fibroblasts from affected individuals with wild-type DAP3 cDNA increased DAP3 mRNA expression and partially rescued protein levels of MRPS7, MRPS9, and complex I and IV subunits, demonstrating the pathogenicity of the DAP3 variants. Protein modeling suggested that DAP3 disease-associated missense variants can impact ADP binding, and in vitro assays demonstrated that DAP3 variants can consequently reduce both intrinsic and extrinsic apoptotic sensitivity, DAP3 thermal stability, and DAP3 GTPase activity. Our study presents genetic and functional evidence that bi-allelic variants in DAP3 result in a multisystem disorder of combined oxidative phosphorylation deficiency with pleiotropic presentations, consistent with mitochondrial dysfunction.

RevDate: 2024-12-19
CmpDate: 2024-12-19

Tian X, Li F, Lin J, et al (2024)

Ancient duplications, multidimensional specializations, and defense role of hexokinases in wheat.

The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology, 120(6):2456-2467.

Hexokinases (HXKs), which sense and catalyze cellular sugar, play a critical role in the growth and development of various plants, including wheat, a primary source of human calories frequently attacked by fungal pathogens. However, the evolutionary dynamics and functional diversification of HXKs in wheat, particularly their roles in plant defense, remain unclear. Here, we discovered that the wheat hexokinase gene family originated through multiple ancient gene duplications across different plant lineages and has undergone comprehensive, multidimensional functional specialization in gene expression, subcellular localization, enzyme activity, and regulation of plant defense responses. Gene expression analysis suggests that two-thirds of the TaHXK genes are responsive to fungal infection. Subcellular analysis reveals that while six TaHXKs are localized in mitochondria, three TaHXKs from different phylogenetic branches are sorted into other cellular compartments. Notably, biochemical analysis shows that TaHXKs in mitochondria differ in their glucose-catalyzing activity, with TaHXK5 and TaHXK3 exhibiting the highest and lowest enzyme activity, respectively. Consistently, transient expression analysis suggests that TaHXK5 induces various plant defense responses, while TaHXK3 is defective in activating some plant defense responses. Furthermore, inactivation of the glucokinase activity of TaHXK5 compromised its function in defense activation, suggesting that mitochondrial TaHXKs display functional divergence in both enzyme activity and defense-inducing activity that are intrinsically connected. Overall, our findings reveal that the multidimensional specialization events following the ancient duplication events may have shaped the functional diversity of HXKs in wheat, shedding light on their evolutionary dynamics and potentially contributing to the improvement of wheat defense.

RevDate: 2024-12-18
CmpDate: 2024-12-18

DeTar RA, Chustecki JM, Martinez-Hottovy A, et al (2024)

Photosynthetic demands on translational machinery drive retention of redundant tRNA metabolism in plant organelles.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(52):e2421485121.

Eukaryotic nuclear genomes often encode distinct sets of translation machinery for function in the cytosol vs. organelles (mitochondria and plastids). This raises questions about why multiple translation systems are maintained even though they are capable of comparable functions and whether they evolve differently depending on the compartment where they operate. These questions are particularly interesting in plants because translation machinery, including aminoacyl-transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases (aaRS), is often dual-targeted to the plastids and mitochondria. These organelles have different functions, with much higher rates of translation in plastids to supply the abundant, rapid-turnover proteins required for photosynthesis. Previous studies have indicated that plant organellar aaRS evolve more slowly compared to mitochondrial aaRS in eukaryotes that lack plastids. Thus, we investigated the evolution of nuclear-encoded organellar and cytosolic aaRS and tRNA maturation enzymes across a broad sampling of angiosperms, including nonphotosynthetic (heterotrophic) plant species with reduced plastid gene expression, to test the hypothesis that translational demands associated with photosynthesis constrain the evolution of enzymes involved in organellar tRNA metabolism. Remarkably, heterotrophic plants exhibited wholesale loss of many organelle-targeted aaRS and other enzymes, even though translation still occurs in their mitochondria and plastids. These losses were often accompanied by apparent retargeting of cytosolic enzymes and tRNAs to the organelles, sometimes preserving aaRS-tRNA charging relationships but other times creating surprising mismatches between cytosolic aaRS and mitochondrial tRNA substrates. Our findings indicate that the presence of a photosynthetic plastid drives the retention of specialized systems for organellar tRNA metabolism.

RevDate: 2024-12-17

Alvarenga JP, Stata M, Sage RF, et al (2024)

Evolutionary diversification of C2 photosynthesis in the grass genus Homolepis (Arthropogoninae).

Annals of botany pii:7926855 [Epub ahead of print].

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: To better understand C4 evolution in monocots, we characterized C3-C4 intermediate phenotypes in the grass genus Homolepis (subtribe Arthropogoninae).

METHODS: Carbon isotope ratio (δ13C), leaf gas exchange, mesophyll (M) to bundle sheath (BS) tissue characteristics, organelle size and numbers in M and BS tissue, and tissue distribution of the P-subunit of glycine decarboxylase (GLDP) were determined for five Homolepis species and the C4 grass Mesosetum loliiforme from a phylogenetic sister clade. We generated a transcriptome-based phylogeny for Homolepis and Mesosetum species to interpret physiological and anatomical patterns in an evolutionary context, and to test for hybridization.

KEY RESULTS: Homolepis contains two C3 (H. glutinosa, H. villaricensis), one weaker form of C2 termed sub-C2 (H. isocalycia), and two C2 species (H. longispicula, H. aturensis). Homolepis longispicula and H. aturensis express over 85% of leaf GDC in centripetal mitochondria within the BS, and have increased fractions of leaf chloroplasts, mitochondria and peroxisomes within the BS relative to H. glutinosa. Analysis of leaf gas exchange, cell ultrastructural, and transcript expression show M. loliiforme is a C4 plant of the NADP-malic enzyme subtype. Homolepis is comprised of two sister clades, one containing H. glutinosa and H. villaricensis and the second H. longispicula and H. aturensis. Homolepis isocalycia is of hybrid origin, with parents being H. aturensis and a common ancestor of the C3  Homolepis clade and H. longispicula.

CONCLUSIONS: Photosynthetic activation of BS tissue in the sub-C2 and C2 species of Homolepis is similar to patterns observed in C3-C4 intermediate eudicots, indicating common evolutionary pathways from C3 to C4 photosynthesis in these disparate clades. Hybridization can diversify the C3-C4 intermediate character state and should be considered in reconstructing putative ancestral states using phylogenetic analyses.

RevDate: 2024-12-17
CmpDate: 2024-12-17

Singha D, Patidar A, Pal S, et al (2024)

Mitochondrial genetic diversity of pest and vector species, Frankliniella schultzei (Thripidae: Thripinae).

Molecular biology reports, 52(1):55.

BACKGROUND: Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom) is a serious pest and a carrier of tospoviruses in major agricultural crops. This species is a historical and unresolved species complex that contains genetically different cryptic species across the globe.

METHODS AND RESULTS: DNA barcodes were generated from freshly collected specimens of F. schultzei from India and Australia using the sanger sequencing. Seventy-five COI sequences were generated from India and Australia. Moreover, 318 sequences were downloaded (India, Australia, Pakistan, and Africa) from the NCBI GenBank to explore the genetic diversity and phylogeny. The minimum and maximum mean interspecific distance between 393 sequences was found to be 7.97% and 21.50%, respectively. Bayesian and Neighbour joining clustering indicated the presence of five putative species within F. schultzei that had sympatry and allopatry. Moreover, 20 haplotypes and 140 polymorphic sites were identified. The African clade is unique; it does not share haplotypes with any other countries, suggesting it may represent the true F. schultzei. Haplotype network analysis showed shallow gene flow and deep genetic variation between the populations. Signatures of recent population history events were measured using Fu's Fs test and Tajima's D test. Morphometric analysis based on seven characters is also carried out.

CONCLUSION: Phylogeny and genetic distance revealed the presence of five putative species within F. schultzei. On the contrary, morphology does not unequivocally corroborate the phylogenetic results, as morphometric analysis showed overlap among these clades. To resolve F. schultzei species complex, whole genome-based sequencing data are very much necessitated.

RevDate: 2024-12-16

Bettinazzi S, Liang J, Rodriguez E, et al (2024)

Assessing the role of mitonuclear interactions on mitochondrial function and organismal fitness in natural Drosophila populations.

Evolution letters, 8(6):916-926.

Mitochondrial function depends on the effective interactions between proteins and RNA encoded by the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes. Evidence suggests that both genomes respond to thermal selection and promote adaptation. However, the contribution of their epistatic interactions to life history phenotypes in the wild remains elusive. We investigated the evolutionary implications of mitonuclear interactions in a real-world scenario that sees populations adapted to different environments, altering their geographical distribution while experiencing flow and admixture. We created a Drosophila melanogaster panel with replicate native populations from the ends of the Australian east-coast cline, into which we substituted the mtDNA haplotypes that were either predominant or rare at each cline-end, thus creating putatively mitonuclear matched and mismatched populations. Our results suggest that mismatching may impact phenotype, with populations harboring the rarer mtDNA haplotype suffering a trade-off between aerobic capacity and key fitness aspects such as reproduction, growth, and survival. We discuss the significance of mitonuclear interactions as modulators of life history phenotypes in the context of future adaptation and population persistence.

RevDate: 2024-12-16

Coronel FP, Gras DE, Canal MV, et al (2024)

Cytochrome c levels link mitochondrial function to plant growth and stress responses through changes in SnRK1 pathway activity.

The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology [Epub ahead of print].

Energy is required for growth as well as for multiple cellular processes. During evolution, plants developed regulatory mechanisms to adapt energy consumption to metabolic reserves and cellular needs. Reduced growth is often observed under stress, leading to a growth-stress trade-off that governs plant performance under different conditions. In this work, we report that plants with reduced levels of the mitochondrial respiratory chain component cytochrome c (CYTc), required for electron transport coupled to oxidative phosphorylation and ATP production, show impaired growth and increased global expression of stress-responsive genes, similar to those observed after inhibiting the respiratory chain or the mitochondrial ATP synthase. CYTc-deficient plants also show activation of the SnRK1 pathway, which regulates growth, metabolism, and stress responses under carbon starvation conditions, even though their carbohydrate levels are not significantly different from wild-type. Notably, loss-of-function of the gene encoding the SnRK1α1 subunit restores the growth of CYTc-deficient plants, as well as autophagy, free amino acid and TOR pathway activity levels, which are affected in these plants. Moreover, increasing CYTc levels decreases SnRK1 pathway activation, reflected in reduced SnRK1α1 phosphorylation, with no changes in total SnRK1α1 protein levels. Under stress imposed by mannitol, the growth of CYTc-deficient plants is relatively less affected than that of wild-type plants, which is also related to the activation of the SnRK1 pathway. Our results indicate that SnRK1 function is affected by CYTc levels, thus providing a molecular link between mitochondrial function and plant growth under normal and stress conditions.

RevDate: 2024-12-12
CmpDate: 2024-12-12

Crino OL, Wild KH, Friesen CR, et al (2024)

From eggs to adulthood: sustained effects of early developmental temperature and corticosterone exposure on physiology and body size in an Australian lizard.

The Journal of experimental biology, 227(24):.

Developing animals are increasingly exposed to elevated temperatures as global temperatures rise as a result of climate change. Vertebrates can be affected by elevated temperatures during development directly, and indirectly through maternal effects (e.g. exposure to prenatal glucocorticoid hormones). Past studies have examined how elevated temperatures and glucocorticoid exposure during development independently affect vertebrates. However, exposure to elevated temperatures and prenatal corticosterone could have interactive effects on developing animals that affect physiology and life-history traits across life. We tested interactions between incubation temperature and prenatal corticosterone exposure in the delicate skink (Lampropholis delicata). We treated eggs with high or low doses of corticosterone and incubated eggs at 23°C (cool) or 28°C (warm). We measured the effects of these treatments on development time, body size and survival from hatching to adulthood and on adult hormone levels and mitochondrial respiration. We found no evidence for interactive effects of incubation temperature and prenatal corticosterone exposure on phenotype. However, incubation temperature and corticosterone treatment each independently decreased body size at hatching and these effects were sustained into the juvenile period and adulthood. Lizards exposed to low doses of corticosterone during development had elevated levels of baseline corticosterone as adults. Additionally, lizards incubated at cool temperatures had higher levels of baseline corticosterone and more efficient mitochondria as adults compared with lizards incubated at warm temperatures. Our results show that developmental conditions can have sustained effects on morphological and physiological traits in oviparous lizards but suggest that incubation temperature and prenatal corticosterone do not have interactive effects.

RevDate: 2024-12-11

Prediger C, Ferreira EA, Videira Zorzato S, et al (2024)

Saltational episodes of reticulate evolution in the Drosophila saltans species group.

Molecular biology and evolution pii:7921496 [Epub ahead of print].

Phylogenomics reveals reticulate evolution to be widespread across taxa, but whether reticulation is due to low statistical power or it is a true evolutionary pattern remains a field of study. Here, we investigate the phylogeny and quantify reticulation in the Drosophila saltans species group, a Neotropical clade of the subgenus Sophophora comprising 23 species whose relationships have long been problematic. Phylogenetic analyses revealed conflicting topologies between the X chromosome, autosomes and the mitochondria. We extended the ABBA-BABA test of asymmetry in phylogenetic discordance to cases where no "true" species tree could be inferred, and applied our new test (called 2A2B) to whole genome data and to individual loci. We used four strategies, two based on our new assemblies using either conserved genes or ≥50 kb-long syntenic blocks with conserved collinearity across Neotropical Sophophora, and two consisted of windows from pseudo-reference genomes aligned to either an ingroup or outgroup species. Evidence for reticulation varied among the strategies, being lowest in the synteny-based approach, where it did not exceed ∼7% of the blocks in the most conflicting species quartets. High incidences of reticulation were restricted to three nodes on the tree, that coincided with major paleogeographical events in South America. Our results identify possible technical biases in quantifying reticulate evolution and indicate that episodic rapid radiations have played a major role in the evolution of a largely understudied Neotropical clade.

RevDate: 2024-12-10

Sørensen MES, Stiller ML, Kröninger L, et al (2024)

Protein import into bacterial endosymbionts and evolving organelles.

The FEBS journal [Epub ahead of print].

Bacterial endosymbionts are common throughout the eukaryotic tree of life and provide a range of essential functions. The intricate integration of bacterial endosymbionts into a host led to the formation of the energy-converting organelles, mitochondria and plastids, that have shaped eukaryotic evolution. Protein import from the host has been regarded as one of the distinguishing features of organelles as compared to endosymbionts. In recent years, research has delved deeper into a diverse range of endosymbioses and discovered evidence for 'exceptional' instances of protein import outside of the canonical organelles. Here we review the current evidence for protein import into bacterial endosymbionts. We cover both 'recently evolved' organelles, where there is evidence for hundreds of imported proteins, and endosymbiotic systems where currently only single protein import candidates are described. We discuss the challenges of establishing protein import machineries and the diversity of mechanisms that have independently evolved to solve them. Understanding these systems and the different independent mechanisms, they have evolved is critical to elucidate how cellular integration arises and deepens at the endosymbiont to organelle interface. We finish by suggesting approaches that could be used in the future to address the open questions. Overall, we believe that the evidence now suggests that protein import into bacterial endosymbionts is more common than generally realized, and thus that there is an increasing number of partnerships that blur the distinction between endosymbiont and organelle.

RevDate: 2024-12-10
CmpDate: 2024-12-10

Xuan D, Qiang F, Xu H, et al (2024)

Screening for Mitochondrial tRNA Variants in 200 Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.

Human heredity, 89(1):84-97.

INTRODUCTION: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a common autoimmune disease with unknown etiology. Recently, a growing number of evidence suggested that mitochondrial dysfunctions played active roles in the pathogenesis of SLE, but its detailed mechanism remains largely undetermined. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequencies of mitochondrial tRNA (mt-tRNA) variants in Chinese individuals with SLE.

METHODS: We carried out a mutational screening of mt-tRNA variants in a cohort of 200 patients with SLE and 200 control subjects by PCR-Sanger sequencing. The potential pathogenicity of mt-tRNA variants was evaluated by phylogenetic conservation and haplogroup analyses. In addition, trans-mitochondrial cybrid cell lines were established, and mitochondrial functions including ATP, reactive oxygen species (ROS), mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number, mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and mt-RNA transcription were analyzed in cybrids with and without these putative pathogenic mt-tRNA variants.

RESULTS: We identified five possible pathogenic variants: tRNAVal G1606A, tRNALeu(UUR) A3243G, tRNAIle A4295G, tRNAGly T9997C, and tRNAThr A15924G that only found in SLE patients but were absent in controls. Interestingly, these variants were located at extremely conserved nucleotides of the corresponding tRNAs and may alter tRNAs' structure and function. Furthermore, cells carrying these tRNA variants had much lower levels of ATP, mtDNA copy number, MMP, and SOD than controls; by contrast, the levels of ROS increased significantly (p < 0.05 for all). Furthermore, a significant reduction in mt-ND1, ND2, ND3, ND5, and A6 mRNA expression was observed in cells with these mt-tRNA variants, while compared with controls. Thus, failures in tRNA metabolism caused by these variants would impair mitochondrial translation and subsequently lead to mitochondrial dysfunction that was involved in the progression and pathogenesis of SLE.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggested that mt-tRNA variants were important causes for SLE, and screening for mt-tRNA pathogenic variants was recommended for early detection and prevention for this disorder.

RevDate: 2024-12-09

Acharya TK, Mahapatra P, Kumar S, et al (2024)

Conserved and Unique Mitochondrial Target Sequence of TRPV4 Can Independently Regulate Mitochondrial Functions.

Proteins [Epub ahead of print].

Though mitochondria have their own genome and protein synthesis machineries, the majority of the mitochondrial proteins are actually encoded by the nuclear genome. Most of these mitochondrial proteins are imported into specific compartments of the mitochondria due to their mitochondrial target sequence (MTS). Unlike the nuclear target sequence, the MTS of most of the mitochondrial localized proteins remain poorly understood, mainly due to their variability, heterogeneity, unconventional modes of action, mitochondrial potential-dependent transport, and other complexities. Recently, we reported that transient receptor potential vanilloid subtype 4 (TRPV4), a thermosensitive cation channel, is physically located at the mitochondria. Here we characterize a small segment (AA 592-630) located at the TM4-loop4-TM5 segment of TRPV4 that acts as a novel MTS. The same region remains highly conserved in all vertebrates and contains a large number of point mutations each of which causes an diverse spectrum of diseases in human. Using confocal and super-resolution microscopy, we show that this MTS of TRPV4 or its mutants localizes to the mitochondria independently and also induces functional and quantitative changes in the mitochondria. By using conformal microscopy, we could detect the presence of the MTS region within the isolated mitochondria. These findings may be important to understand the complexity of MTS and TRPV4-induced channelopathies better.

RevDate: 2024-12-05
CmpDate: 2024-12-05

Atherton W, Ambrose L, Wisdom J, et al (2024)

Nuclear and mitochondrial population genetics of the Australasian arbovirus vector Culex annulirostris (Skuse) reveals strong geographic structure and cryptic species.

Parasites & vectors, 17(1):501.

BACKGROUND: The mosquito Culex annulirostris Skuse (Diptera: Culicidae) is an important arbovirus vector in Australasia. It is part of the Culex sitiens subgroup that also includes Cx. palpalis and Cx. sitiens. Single locus mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequencing studies suggest that Cx. annulirostris consists of a complex of at least two species. We tested this hypothesis by analysing both nuclear microsatellite data and additional mitochondrial sequence data to describe the population genetics of Cx. annulirostris through Australia, Papua New Guinea (PNG) and the Solomon Archipelago.

METHODS: Twelve novel microsatellite markers for Cx. annulirostris were developed and used on over 500 individuals identified as Cx. annulirostris by molecular diagnostics. Ten of the 12 microsatellites then used for analysis using Discriminant Analysis of Principal Components, a Bayesian clustering software, STRUCTURE, along with estimates of Jost's D statistic that is similar to FST but better suited to microsatellite data. Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) DNA sequence were also generated complementing previous work and analysed for sequence diversity (Haplotype diversity, Hd and Pi, π), Tadjima's D, and pairwise FST between populations. An allele specific molecular diagnostic with an internal control was developed.

RESULTS: We confirm the existence of multiple genetically and geographically restricted populations. Within mainland Australia, our findings show that Cx. annulirostris consists of two genetically and geographically distinct populations. One population extends through northern Australia and into the south-east coast of Queensland and New South Wales (NSW). The second Australian population occurs through inland NSW, Victoria, South Australia, extending west to southern Western Australia. These two Australian populations show evidence of possible admixture in central Australia and far north Queensland. Australia's Great Dividing Range that runs down southeast Australia presents a strong gene-flow barrier between these two populations which may be driven by climate, elevation or river basins. In PNG we find evidence of reproductive isolation between sympatric cryptic species occurring through PNG and Australia's northern Cape York Peninsula. A PCR-based molecular diagnostic was developed to distinguish these two cryptic species.

CONCLUSION: This study adds to the growing body of work suggesting that the taxon presently known as Cx. annulirostris now appears to consist of at least two cryptic species that co-occur in northern Australia and New Guinea and can be distinguished by a ITS1 PCR diagnostic. The Solomon Islands population may also represent a distinct species but in light its geographic isolation and lack of sympatry with other species would require further study. Additionally, the mitochondrial and nuclear DNA evidence of population structure between geographic regions within Australia appears latitudinal and elevational driven and may suggest an additional subspecies in that hybridise where they overlap.

RevDate: 2024-12-04

Qi X, Wang Z, Lin Y, et al (2024)

Elucidation and engineering mitochondrial respiratory-related genes for improving bioethanol production at high temperature in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

Engineering microbiology, 4(2):100108.

Industrial manufacturing of bioproducts, especially bioethanol, can benefit from high-temperature fermentation, which requires the use of thermotolerant yeast strains. Mitochondrial activity in yeast is closely related to its overall metabolism. However, the mitochondrial respiratory changes in response to adaptive thermotolerance are still poorly understood and have been rarely utilized for developing thermotolerant yeast cell factories. Here, adaptive evolution and transcriptional sequencing, as well as whole-genome-level gene knockout, were used to obtain a thermotolerant strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Furthermore, thermotolerance and bioethanol production efficiency of the engineered strain were examined. Physiological evaluation showed the boosted fermentation capacity and suppressed mitochondrial respiratory activity in the thermotolerant strain. The improved fermentation produced an increased supply of adenosine triphosphate required for more active energy-consuming pathways. Transcriptome analysis revealed significant changes in the expression of the genes involved in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Evaluation of mitochondria-associated gene knockout confirmed that ADK1, DOC1, or MET7 were the key factors for the adaptive evolution of thermotolerance in the engineered yeast strain. Intriguingly, overexpression of DOC1 with TEF1 promoter regulation led to a 10.1% increase in ethanol production at 42 °C. The relationships between thermotolerance, mitochondrial activity, and respiration were explored, and a thermotolerant yeast strain was developed by altering the expression of mitochondrial respiration-related genes. This study provides a better understanding on the physiological mechanism of adaptive evolution of thermotolerance in yeast.

RevDate: 2024-12-03
CmpDate: 2024-12-03

Zhang Y, Zang C, Pan X, et al (2024)

[Population genetic diversity of Culex tritaeniorhynchus in Jining City of Shandong Province based on the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I gene].

Zhongguo xue xi chong bing fang zhi za zhi = Chinese journal of schistosomiasis control, 36(5):466-473.

OBJECTIVE: To understand the genetic basis of the adaptation of Culex tritaeniorhynchus to different environmental ecology in Jining City, Shandong Province, so as to provide insights into understanding of the population structure or isolation pattern of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus in the city.

METHODS: Seven sampling sites were selected from urban, suburban and rural areas of Jining City, Shandong Province from June to August 2023, and mosquitoes were collected using mosquito-trapping lamps. All collected adult mosquitoes were identified morphologically. Genomic DNA was extracted from a single female Cx. tritaeniorhynchus mosquito, and the mitochondrial cytochrome C oxidase I (COI) gene was amplified using a PCR assay, sequenced and subjected to molecular identification. The number of haplotypes, haplotype diversity (Hd), nucleotide diversity (Pi), and average number of nucleotide differences (K) of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus DNA sequences were estimated among different sampling sites using the software DnaSP 6, and a neutrality test was performed. The fixation index (FST), and gene flow (number of migrants, Nm) of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus populations were calculated using the software Arlequin 3.5.2, and subjected to analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA). In addition, a haplotype network diagrams and a phylogenetic tree of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus populations were created using the software PopART and MEGA 11, respectively.

RESULTS: A total of 420 sequences were successfully amplified from the COI gene of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus samples collected from 7 sampling sites in Jining City, and a gene fragment sequence with a length of 603 bp was obtained, with 55 variable sites and 46 haplotypes and without insertion or deletion mutations. Of the 46 haplotypes, H01 was the dominant shared haplotype, and the haplotype frequency increased gradually from urban areas (34.00%) to rural areas (47.00%). The mean Hd, Pi and K values of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus COI genes were 0.814, 0.024 and 14.129, 0.489, 0.016 and 7.941 and 0.641, 0.016 and 10.393 in suburban, urban, and rural areas, respectively, with the highest population diversity of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus in suburban areas and the lowest in urban areas. Paired FST analysis among different types of sampling sites showed that the mean FST value was 0.029 between urban and suburban areas, indicating more frequent inter-population communication. AMOVA revealed that the percentage of intra-population variation (95.74%) was higher than that of inter-population variation (4.26%). Neutrality tests showed deviation from neutrality in Cx. tritaeniorhynchus populations collected from Nanyang Township (Tajima's D = 2.793, Fu's Fs = 6.429, both P values < 0.05). In addition, the mismatch distribution curves of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus COI gene appeared bimodal or multimodal patterns in Jining City, indicating a relatively stable overall population size.

CONCLUSIONS: The mitochondrial COI gene may be used as a molecular marker to investigate the population genetic diversity of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus. The population genetic diversity of Cx. tritaeniorhynchus is higher in the suburban areas of Jining City than in rural and urban areas, and there are frequent genetic exchanges between Cx. tritaeniorhynchus populations from urban and suburban areas.

RevDate: 2024-12-02
CmpDate: 2024-12-03

Zhang C, Rasool A, Qi H, et al (2024)

Comprehensive analysis of the first complete mitogenome and plastome of a traditional Chinese medicine Viola diffusa.

BMC genomics, 25(1):1162.

BACKGROUND: Viola diffusa is used in the formulation of various Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs), including antiviral, antimicrobial, antitussive, and anti-inflammatory drugs, due to its richness in flavonoids and triterpenoids. The biosynthesis of these compounds is largely mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are primarily located in the membranes of mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum.

RESULTS: This study presents the complete assembly of the mitogenome and plastome of Viola diffusa. The circular mitogenome spans 474,721 bp with a GC content of 44.17% and encodes 36 unique protein-coding genes, 21 tRNA, and 3 rRNA. Except for the RSCU values of 1 observed for the start codon (AUG) and tryptophan (UGG), the mitochondrial protein-coding genes exhibited a codon usage bias, with most estimates deviating from 1, similar to patterns observed in closely related species. Analysis of repetitive sequences in the mitogenome demonstrated potential homologous recombination mediated by these repeats. Sequence transfer analysis revealed 24 homologous sequences shared between the mitogenome and plastome, including nine full-length genes. Collinearity was observed among Viola diffusa species within the other members of Malpighiales order, indicated by the presence of homologous fragments. The length and arrangement of collinear blocks varied, and the mitogenome exhibited a high frequency of gene rearrangement.

CONCLUSIONS: We present the first complete assembly of the mitogenome and plastome of Viola diffusa, highlighting its implications for pharmacological, evolutionary, and taxonomic studies. Our research underscores the multifaceted importance of comprehensive mitogenome analysis.

RevDate: 2024-12-03
CmpDate: 2024-12-03

Zhou J, Wang P, Wang Y, et al (2024)

Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of SpUGE gene family and heterologous expression-mediated Arabidopsis thaliana tolerance to Cd stress.

International journal of biological macromolecules, 282(Pt 5):137358.

The UDP-glucose 4-epimerase (UGE) enzyme plays a critical role in plant growth and responses to abiotic stressors, such as heavy metal exposure. However, UGE-mediated remodeling of cell wall polysaccharides in response to these stressors remains poorly understood in willow. This study investigated the structure, function, and expression patterns of the UGE gene family in willow, focusing on cadmium treatment to elucidate how SpUGE1 enhances Cd resistance. Six SpUGE genes were identified through whole-genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis, and they were mapped across five chromosomes. Quantitative PCR analysis revealed that, with the exception of SpUGE3, all genes showed their highest relative expression in the leaves. Under Cd treatment, members of the SpUGE gene family displayed varying levels of responsiveness, with SpUGE1 showing a marked increase in expression over time. In transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressing SpUGE1, the cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and pectin content significantly increased, with cellulose levels rising by >50 % and pectin by approximately 30 %. This overexpression conferred enhanced Cd resistance by increasing cell wall thickness through elevated cell wall polysaccharides, which reduced Cd uptake. Consequently, Cd content in the cell wall, chloroplasts, and mitochondria was significantly lower than that in wild-type plants, reducing cellular damage and improving Cd resistance. Overall, this study provides valuable theoretical and experimental insights into the role of the SpUGE1 gene family in willow.

RevDate: 2024-12-01

Zhao J, Liang ZL, Fang SL, et al (2024)

Phylogenomics of Paragymnopteris (Cheilanthoideae, Pteridaceae): Insights from plastome, mitochondrial, and nuclear datasets.

Molecular phylogenetics and evolution pii:S1055-7903(24)00245-8 [Epub ahead of print].

Previous studies have shown that at least six genera of the Cheilanthoideae, a subfamily of the fern family Pteridaceae, may not be monophyletic. In these non-monophyletic genera, the Old-World genus Paragymnopteris including approximately five species have long been controversial. In this study, with an extensive taxon sampling of Paragymnopteris, we assembled 19 complete plastomes of all recognized Paragymnopteris species, plastomes of Pellaea (3 species) and Argyrochosma (1 species), as well as transcriptomes from Paragymnopteris (6 species) and Argyrochosma (1 species). We conducted a comprehensive and systematic phylogenomic analysis focusing on the contentious relationships among the genus of Paragymnopteris through 9 plastid makers, the plastomes, mitochondria, nuclear ribosomal cistron genomes, and single-copy nuclear genes. Moreover, we further combined distribution, ploidy, and morphological features to investigate the evolution of Paragymnopteris. The backbone of Paragymnopteris was resolved consistently in the nuclear and plastid phylogenies. Our major results include: (1) Paragymnopteris is not monophyletic including two fully supported clades; (2) confirming that Paragymnopteris delavayi var. intermedia is a close relative of P. delavayi instead of P. marantae var. marantae; (3) the chromosome base number may not be a stable trait which has previously been used as an important character to divide Paragymnopteris into two groups; and (4) gene flow or introgression might be the main reason for the gene trees conflict of Paragymnopteris, but both gene flow and ILS might simultaneously and/or cumulatively act on the conflict of core pellaeids. The robust phylogeny of Paragymnopteris presented here will help us for the future studies of the arid to semi-arid ferns of Cheilanthoideae at the evolutionary, physiological, developmental, and omics-based levels.

RevDate: 2024-11-30
CmpDate: 2024-11-30

Xin C, Wang J, Chi J, et al (2025)

Intragenic cytosine methylation modification regulates the response of SUCLα1 to lower temperature in Solanaceae.

Plant science : an international journal of experimental plant biology, 350:112320.

The tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCAC) is a fundamental metabolic process governing matter and energy in plant cells, playing an indispensable role. However, its involvement in responding to low temperature stress in potato remains poorly understood. Previous studies have identified succinyl-CoA ligase (SUCL), which catalyzes the phosphorylation of TCAC substrates, as a gene associated with lower temperatures. Nevertheless, its function in potato's response to lower temperatures remains unclear. Phylogenetic analysis has revealed that Solanum tuberosum possesses α and β subunits of SUCL, which cluster with those of Solanum lycopersicum, Nicotiana tabacum and Nicotiana benthamiana. Further investigation has shown that StSUCLα1 is predominantly located within mitochondria. Low temperatures induce methylation modification alterations at 11 intragenic cytosine sites and lead to changes in StSUCLα1 expression levels. Correlation analysis suggests that alterations in intragenic cytosine methylation sites of SUCLα1 may be associated with MET1. Knocking down NbSUCLα1, the homologous gene of StSUCLα1 in N. benthamiana, results in increased susceptibility to low temperature stress in plants. In summary, we have confirmed that SUCLα1 is a key gene modulated by intragenic cytosine methylation in response to lower temperatures, providing a novel target for genetic breeding aimed at enhancing potato tolerance to low temperature stress.

RevDate: 2024-12-01
CmpDate: 2024-12-01

Forbes K, Barrera M, Nielsen-Roine K, et al (2024)

Stabilizing selection and mitochondrial heteroplasmy in the Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis).

Genome, 67(12):493-502.

Mitochondrial DNA is commonly used in population genetic studies to investigate spatial structure, intraspecific variation, and phylogenetic relationships. The control region is the most rapidly evolving and largest non-coding region, but its analysis can be complicated by heteroplasmic signals of genome duplication in many mammals, including felids. Here, we describe the presence of heteroplasmy in the control region of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) through intra-individual sequence variation. Our results demonstrate multiple haplotypes of varying length in each lynx, resulting from different copy numbers of the repetitive sequence RS-2 and suggest possible heteroplasmic single nucleotide polymorphisms in both repetitive sequences RS-2 and RS-3. Intra-individual variation was only observed in the repetitive sequences while inter-individual variation was detected in the flanking regions outside of the repetitive sequences, indicating that heteroplasmic mutations are restricted to these repeat regions. Although each lynx displayed multiple haplotypes of varying length, we found the most common variant contained three complete copies of the RS-2 repeat unit, suggesting copy number is regulated by stabilizing selection. While genome duplication offers potential for increased diversity, heteroplasmy may lead to a selective advantage or detriment in the face of mitochondrial function and disease, which could have significant implications for wildlife populations experiencing decline (e.g., bottlenecks) as a result of habitat modification or climate change.

RevDate: 2024-11-28

Nolbrant S, Wallace JL, Ding J, et al (2024)

Interspecies Organoids Reveal Human-Specific Molecular Features of Dopaminergic Neuron Development and Vulnerability.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology pii:2024.11.14.623592.

The disproportionate expansion of telencephalic structures during human evolution involved tradeoffs that imposed greater connectivity and metabolic demands on midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Despite the central role of dopaminergic neurons in human-enriched disorders, molecular specializations associated with human-specific features and vulnerabilities of the dopaminergic system remain unexplored. Here, we establish a phylogeny-in-a-dish approach to examine gene regulatory evolution by differentiating pools of human, chimpanzee, orangutan, and macaque pluripotent stem cells into ventral midbrain organoids capable of forming long-range projections, spontaneous activity, and dopamine release. We identify human-specific gene expression changes related to axonal transport of mitochondria and reactive oxygen species buffering and candidate cis- and trans -regulatory mechanisms underlying gene expression divergence. Our findings are consistent with a model of evolved neuroprotection in response to tradeoffs related to brain expansion and could contribute to the discovery of therapeutic targets and strategies for treating disorders involving the dopaminergic system.

RevDate: 2024-11-28
CmpDate: 2024-11-28

Liao R, Yao J, Zhang Y, et al (2024)

MYB transcription factors in Peucedanum Praeruptorum Dunn: the diverse roles of the R2R3-MYB subfamily in mediating coumarin biosynthesis.

BMC plant biology, 24(1):1135.

BACKGROUND: The MYB superfamily (v-myb avian myeloblastosis viral oncogene homolog) plays a role in plant growth and development, environmental stress defense, and synthesis of secondary metabolites. Little is known about the regulatory function of MYB genes in Peucedanum praeruptorum Dunn, although many MYB family members, especially R2R3-MYB genes, have been extensively studied in model plants.

RESULTS: A total of 157 R2R3-MYB transcription factors from P. praeruptorum were identified using bioinformatics analysis. Comprehensive analyses including chromosome location, microsynteny, gene structure, conserved motif, phylogenetic tree, and conserved domain were further performed. The length of the 157 transcription factors ranged from 120 to 1,688 amino acids (molecular weight between 14.21 and 182.69 kDa). All proteins were hydrophilic. Subcellular localization predictions showed that 155 PpMYB proteins were localized in the nucleus, with PpMYB12 and PpMYB157 localized in the chloroplasts and mitochondria, respectively. Ten conserved motifs were identified in the PpMYBs, all of which contained typical MYB domains. Transcriptome analysis identified 47,902 unigenes. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analysis revealed 136 pathways, of which 524 genes were associated with the phenylpropanoid pathway. Differential expressed genes (DEGs) before and after bolting showed that 11 genes were enriched in the phenylpropanoid pathway. Moreover, the expression patterns of transcription genes were further verified by qRT-PCR. With high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), 8 coumarins were quantified from the root, stem, and leaf tissue samples of P. praeruptorum at different stages. Praeruptorin A was found in both roots and leaves before bolting, whereas praeruptorin B was mainly concentrated in the roots, and the content of both decreased in the roots and stems after bolting. Praeruptorin E content was highest in the leaves and increased with plant growth. The correlation analysis between transcription factors and coumarin content showed that the expression patterns of PpMYB3 and PpMYB103 in roots align with the accumulation trends of praeruptorin A, praeruptorin B, praeruptorin E, scopoletin, and isoscopoletin, which declined in content after bolting, suggesting that these genes may positively regulate the biosynthesis of coumarins. Eleven distinct metabolites and 48 DEGs were identified. Correlation analysis revealed that the expression of all DEGs were significantly related to the accumulation of coumarin metabolites, indicating that these genes are involved in the regulation of coumarin biosynthesis.

CONCLUSIONS: R2R3-MYB transcription factors may be involved in the synthesis of coumarin. Our findings provide basic data and a rationale for future an in-depth studies on the role of R2R3-MYB transcription factors in the growth and regulation of coumarin synthesis.

RevDate: 2024-11-27

Haro R, Walunjkar N, Jorapur S, et al (2024)

Long-read DNA sequencing reveals the organization of the mitochondrial genome in the early-branching dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina.

Protist, 175(6):126071 pii:S1434-4610(24)00063-4 [Epub ahead of print].

The mitochondrial genomes of dinoflagellate protists are remarkable for their highly fragmented and heterogeneous organization. Early attempts to determine their structure without 'next-generation' DNA sequencing failed to recover a defined genome. Still, it coincided in showing that the proteins coding genes, three in total, and parts of the ribosomal RNA genes were spread across a diffuse assortment of small linear fragments. In contrast, a recent study employed Illumina sequencing to assemble a 326 kbp long single-molecule, circular mitochondrial genome in the symbiotic dinoflagellate Breviolum minutum. Here, we used a combination of short- and long-read massively-parallel DNA sequencing to analyze further the mitochondrial DNA of the early-branching dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. We found that the mitochondrial genome of O. marina consists of 3 linear chromosomes sized 15.9, 33.8 and 40.6 kbp for a total of 90.3 kbp. It contains the cox1, cox3 and cob genes, the same three proteins encoded in the mitochondrion of all myzozoans (Apicomplexa and Dinophyceae), some fragments of ribosomal RNA genes as well as many non-functional gene fragments and extensive noncoding DNA. Our analysis unveiled segments syntenic patterns and rearrangements encompassing coding and non-coding regions, suggesting that recombination is a pervasive process driving the evolution of these genomes.

RevDate: 2024-11-27
CmpDate: 2024-11-27

Wang X, Wang Z, Yang F, et al (2024)

Assembly, Annotation, and Comparative Analysis of Mitochondrial Genomes in Trichoderma.

International journal of molecular sciences, 25(22): pii:ijms252212140.

Trichoderma is a widely studied ascomycete fungal genus, including more than 400 species. However, genetic information on Trichoderma is limited, with most species reporting only DNA barcodes. Mitochondria possess their own distinct DNA that plays a pivotal role in molecular function and evolution. Here, we report 42 novel mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) combined with 18 published mitogenomes of Trichoderma. These circular mitogenomes exhibit sizes of 26,276-94,608 bp, typically comprising 15 core protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 rRNAs, and 16-30 tRNAs; however, the number of endonucleases and hypothetical proteins encoded in the introns of PCGs increases with genome size enlargement. According to the result of phylogenetic analysis of the whole mitogenome, these strains diverged into six distinct evolutionary branches, supported by the phylogeny based on 2830 single-copy nuclear genes. Comparative analysis revealed that dynamic Trichoderma mitogenomes exhibited variations in genome size, gene number, GC content, tRNA copy, and intron across different branches. We identified three mutation hotspots near the regions encoding nad3, cox2, and nad5 that caused major changes in the mitogenomes. Evolutionary analysis revealed that atp9, cob, nad4L, nad5, and rps3 have been influenced by positive selection during evolution. This study provides a valuable resource for exploring the important roles of the genetic and evolutionary dynamics of Trichoderma mitogenome in the adaptive evolution of biocontrol fungi.

RevDate: 2024-11-27
CmpDate: 2024-11-27

Wang H, Charagh S, Dong N, et al (2024)

Genome-Wide Analysis of Heat Shock Protein Family and Identification of Their Functions in Rice Quality and Yield.

International journal of molecular sciences, 25(22): pii:ijms252211931.

Heat shock proteins (Hsps), acting as molecular chaperones, play a pivotal role in plant responses to environmental stress. In this study, we found a total of 192 genes encoding Hsps, which are distributed across all 12 chromosomes, with higher concentrations on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, and 5. These Hsps can be divided into six subfamilies (sHsp, Hsp40, Hsp60, Hsp70, Hsp90, and Hsp100) based on molecular weight and homology. Expression pattern data indicated that these Hsp genes can be categorized into three groups: generally high expression in almost all tissues, high tissue-specific expression, and low expression in all tissues. Further analysis of 15 representative genes found that the expression of 14 Hsp genes was upregulated by high temperatures. Subcellular localization analysis revealed seven proteins localized to the endoplasmic reticulum, while others localized to the mitochondria, chloroplasts, and nucleus. We successfully obtained the knockout mutants of above 15 Hsps by the CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing system. Under natural high-temperature conditions, the mutants of eight Hsps showed reduced yield mainly due to the seed setting rate or grain weight. Moreover, the rice quality of most of these mutants also changed, including increased grain chalkiness, decreased amylose content, and elevated total protein content, and the expressions of starch metabolism-related genes in the endosperm of these mutants were disturbed compared to the wild type under natural high-temperature conditions. In conclusion, our study provided new insights into the HSP gene family and found that it plays an important role in the formation of rice quality and yield.

RevDate: 2024-11-24
CmpDate: 2024-11-24

Wang Y, Chen F, Chen Y, et al (2024)

Identification and analysis of drought-responsive F-box genes in upland rice and involvement of OsFBX148 in ABA response and ROS accumulation.

BMC plant biology, 24(1):1120.

BACKGROUND: Upland rice varieties exhibit significant genetic diversity and broad environmental adaptability, making them ideal candidates for identifying consistently expressed stress-responsive genes. F-box proteins typically function as part of the SKP1-CUL1-F-box protein (SCF) ubiquitin ligase complexes to precisely regulate gene expression and protein level, playing essential roles in the modulation of abiotic stress responses. Therefore, utilizing upland rice varieties for screening stress-responsive F-box genes is a highly advantageous approach.

RESULTS: Through mRNA-seq analysis in the Brazilian upland rice (cv. IAPAR9), the research identified 29 drought-responsive F-box genes. Gene distribution and duplication analysis revealed these genes are distributed on 11 of the 12 chromosomes and 10 collinear gene pairs were identified on different chromosomes. 13 cis-elements or binding sites were identified in the promoters of the 29 drought-responsive F-box genes by analysis. Protein domain, stability and subcellular localization analysis results suggest that these F-box proteins possess F-box domain and several other domains, and they are mostly unstable proteins with subcellular localization in cytoplasm, nucleus, chloroplasts, mitochondria and endoplasmic reticulum. Most of drought-responsive F-box genes exhibited expression in various tissues such as root, stem, leaf, leaf sheath and panicle except for OsFBO10 and OsFBX283. These genes exhibited various responses to abiotic stresses such as osmotic, cold, heat, and salt stresses, along with ABA treatment. Importantly, a frame-shift mutation in OsFBX148 was created in the ZH11 variety, leading to altered ABA signal transduction and ROS accumulation. The study further elucidated the interaction of OsFBX148 with SKP1 family proteins OSK4/7/17 to form the SCF complex, dependent on the F-box domain.

CONCLUSIONS: The research identified and analyzed 29 drought-responsive F-box genes in upland rice and provides valuable insights into the role of OsFBX148 in ABA and ROS responses. It establishes a basis for future exploration of F-box genes in improving resistance to abiotic stresses, especially drought.

RevDate: 2024-11-21

Anikin M, Henry MF, Hodorova V, et al (2024)

Mitochondrial mRNA and the Small Subunit rRNA in Budding Yeasts Undergo 3'-End Processing at Conserved Species-specific Elements.

RNA (New York, N.Y.) pii:rna.080254.124 [Epub ahead of print].

Respiration in eukaryotes depends on mitochondrial protein synthesis, which is performed by organelle-specific ribosomes translating organelle-encoded mRNAs. Although RNA maturation and stability are central events controlling mitochondrial gene expression, many of the molecular details in this pathway remain elusive. These include cis- and trans-regulatory factors that generate and protect the 3' ends. Here, we mapped the 3' ends of mitochondrial mRNAs of yeasts classified into multiple families of the subphylum Saccharomycotina. We found that the processing of mitochondrial 15S rRNA and mRNAs involves species-specific sequence elements, which we term 3'-end RNA processing elements (3'-RPEs). In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the 3'-RPE has long been recognized as a conserved dodecamer sequence, which recent studies have shown to specifically interact with the nuclear genome-encoded pentatricopeptide repeat protein Rmd9. We also demonstrate that, analogous to Rmd9 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two Rmd9 orthologs from the Debaryomycetaceae family interact with their respective 3'-RPEs found in mRNAs and 15S rRNA. Thus, Rmd9-dependent processing of mitochondrial RNA precursors is a common mechanism among the families of the Saccharomycotina subphylum. This represents an example of mitochondrial-nuclear co-evolution. Surprisingly, we observed that 3'-RPEs often occur upstream of stop codons in complex I subunit mRNAs from yeasts of the CUG-Ser1 clade. We examined two of these mature mRNAs and found that their stop codons are indeed removed. Thus, translation of these transcripts would require a novel termination mechanism. Our findings establish Rmd9 as a key evolutionarily conserved factor in both mitochondrial mRNA metabolism and mitoribosome biogenesis in a variety of yeasts.

RevDate: 2024-11-20

Jinesh GG, Smallin MT, Mtchedlidze N, et al (2024)

C19MC drives nucleolar invasion of mitochondria and meiotic nuclear division in human cancers.

iScience, 27(11):111132.

The chromosome-19 miRNA cluster (C19MC) restricts viruses depending on the multinucleated state of placental trophoblasts. However, the relationship of C19MC to multinucleation is unknown. Here we show that C19MC is coexpressed in multiple cancer type subsets with meiosis-related genes. We discovered a novel meiosis-III that exhibits simultaneous progression of meiotic nuclear division (MND) and cytokinesis. C19MC promotes meiotic bridged-chromosomes to block MND and cytokinesis to generate multinucleated cells. MND starts with the invagination of nuclear membrane to form nucle(ol)ar invasive cytoplasm (NiC), mitochondria and protein cargoes. Aurora-B regulates the efflux of cargos from NiC, whereas C19MC, CDK1, and autophagy promote cargo influx to inflate NiC size for MND progression. Using CRISPR human genetic engineering we demonstrate that the C19MC expression is required for NiC-driven MND and multinucleation. This discovery has impacts on cancer-pathogen interactions, immunotherapy, vertical transmission of viruses, antiviral research and SpCas9-CRISPR therapeutics.

RevDate: 2024-11-20
CmpDate: 2024-11-20

Wang Z, Wang R, Sang Y, et al (2024)

Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genomes of invasive weed Mikania micrantha and its indigenous congener Mikania cordata.

International journal of biological macromolecules, 281(Pt 1):136357.

Mikania micrantha and Mikania cordata are two distinct species in China. The former is notorious as one of the top 100 worst invasive species, whereas the latter is an indigenous species harmless to native plants or the environment. They form an ideal congener pair for comparative studies aimed at deeply understanding the invasion mechanisms of the exotic weed. In this study, we have assembled and annotated the mitogenomes of both species using Illumina and PacBio sequencing data and compared their characteristic differences. The complete mitogenome of M. micrantha is a double-stranded DNA with a length of 336,564 bp, while the mitogenome of M. cordata exhibits a branching structure, consisting of two small circular molecules and six linear molecules, with a combined length totaling 335,444 bp. Compared to M. cordata, M. micrantha has less SSRs, tandem repeats, dispersed repeats, mitochondrial protein coding genes (PCGs). The two plants show similar codon usage patterns. This comparative study has revealed the structure and function of the mitogenomes of the two species and laid a solid foundation for investigating the effects of gene loss and duplication on the development of invasive traits in M. micrantha.

RevDate: 2024-11-19

Povelones ML, ML Ginger (2024)

Bric-à-brac, an 'umbilical cord' and trypanosome kinetoplast segregation.

Trends in parasitology pii:S1471-4922(24)00329-5 [Epub ahead of print].

Cadena et al. recently discovered a conserved trypanosomatid 'nabelschnur' protein TbNAB70 from a search through the protein localization resource TrypTag, providing new insight into kinetoplast origin and evolution.

RevDate: 2024-11-18

Kemph A, Kharel K, Tindell SJ, et al (2024)

Novel structure and composition of the unusually large germline determinant of the wasp Nasonia vitripennis.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology pii:2024.11.01.621563.

Specialized, maternally derived ribonucleoprotein (RNP) granules play an important role in specifying the primordial germ cells in many animal species. Typically, these germ granules are small (∼100 nm to a few microns in diameter) and numerous; in contrast, a single, extremely large granule called the oosome plays the role of germline determinant in the wasp Nasonia vitripennis. The organizational basis underlying the form and function of this unusually large membraneless RNP granule remains an open question. Here we use a combination of super-resolution and transmission electron microscopy to investigate the composition and morphology of the oosome. We show that the oosome has properties of a viscous liquid or elastic solid. The most prominent feature of the oosome is a branching mesh-like network of high abundance mRNAs that pervades the entire structure. Homologs of the core polar granule proteins Vasa and Oskar do not appear to nucleate this network, but rather are distributed adjacently as separate puncta. Low abundance RNAs appear to cluster in puncta that similarly do not overlap with the protein puncta. Several membrane-bound organelles, including lipid droplets and rough ER-like vesicles, are incorporated within the oosome, whereas mitochondria are nearly entirely excluded. Our findings show that the remarkably large size of the oosome is reflected in a complex sub-granular organization and suggest that the oosome is a powerful model for probing interactions between membraneless and membrane-bound organelles, structural features that contribute to granule size, and the evolution of germ plasm in insects.

RevDate: 2024-11-18
CmpDate: 2024-11-18

Ozerova I, Fallmann J, Mörl M, et al (2024)

Aberrant Mitochondrial tRNA Genes Appear Frequently in Animal Evolution.

Genome biology and evolution, 16(11):.

Mitochondrial tRNAs have acquired a diverse portfolio of aberrant structures throughout metazoan evolution. With the availability of more than 12,500 mitogenome sequences, it is essential to compile a comprehensive overview of the pattern changes with regard to mitochondrial tRNA repertoire and structural variations. This, of course, requires reanalysis of the sequence data of more than 250,000 mitochondrial tRNAs with a uniform workflow. Here, we report our results on the complete reannotation of all mitogenomes available in the RefSeq database by September 2022 using mitos2. Based on the individual cases of mitochondrial tRNA variants reported throughout the literature, our data pinpoint the respective hotspots of change, i.e. Acanthocephala (Lophotrochozoa), Nematoda, Acariformes, and Araneae (Arthropoda). Less dramatic deviations of mitochondrial tRNAs from the norm are observed throughout many other clades. Loss of arms in animal mitochondrial tRNA clearly is a phenomenon that occurred independently many times, not limited to a small number of specific clades. The summary data here provide a starting point for systematic investigations into the detailed evolutionary processes of structural reduction and loss of mitochondrial tRNAs as well as a resource for further improvements of annotation workflows for mitochondrial tRNA annotation.

RevDate: 2024-11-15

Jacobs HT, Rustin P, Bénit P, et al (2024)

Mitochondria: great balls of fire.

The FEBS journal [Epub ahead of print].

Recent experimental studies indicate that mitochondria in mammalian cells are maintained at temperatures of at least 50 °C. While acknowledging the limitations of current experimental methods and their interpretation, we here consider the ramifications of this finding for cellular functions and for evolution. We consider whether mitochondria as heat-producing organelles had a role in the origin of eukaryotes and in the emergence of homeotherms. The homeostatic responses of mitochondrial temperature to externally applied heat imply the existence of a molecular heat-sensing system in mitochondria. While current findings indicate high temperatures for the innermost compartments of mitochondria, those of the mitochondrial surface and of the immediately surrounding cytosol remain to be determined. We ask whether some aspects of mitochondrial dynamics and motility could reflect changes in the supply and demand for mitochondrial heat, and whether mitochondrial heat production could be a factor in diseases and immunity.

RevDate: 2024-11-15

Dondi A, Borgsmüller N, Ferreira PF, et al (2024)

De novo detection of somatic variants in high-quality long-read single-cell RNA sequencing data.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology pii:2024.03.06.583775.

In cancer, genetic and transcriptomic variations generate clonal heterogeneity, leading to treatment resistance. Long-read single-cell RNA sequencing (LR scRNA-seq) has the potential to detect genetic and transcriptomic variations simultaneously. Here, we present LongSom, a computational workflow leveraging high-quality LR scRNA-seq data to call de novo somatic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), including in mitochondria (mtSNVs), copy-number alterations (CNAs), and gene fusions, to reconstruct the tumor clonal heterogeneity. Before somatic variants calling, LongSom re-annotates marker gene based cell types using cell mutational profiles. LongSom distinguishes somatic SNVs from noise and germline polymorphisms by applying an extensive set of hard filters and statistical tests. Applying LongSom to human ovarian cancer samples, we detected clinically relevant somatic SNVs that were validated against matched DNA samples. Leveraging somatic SNVs and fusions, LongSom found subclones with different predicted treatment outcomes. In summary, LongSom enables de novo variant detection without the need for normal samples, facilitating the study of cancer evolution, clonal heterogeneity, and treatment resistance.

RevDate: 2024-11-14

Garcia LE, MV Sanchez-Puerta (2024)

Mitochondrial Splicing Efficiency Is Lower in Holoparasites Than in Free-Living Plants.

Plant & cell physiology pii:7900404 [Epub ahead of print].

Mitochondria play a crucial role in eukaryotic organisms, housing their own genome with genes vital for oxidative phosphorylation. Coordination between nuclear and mitochondrial genomes is pivotal for organelle gene expression. Splicing, editing and processing of mitochondrial transcripts are regulated by nuclear-encoded factors. Splicing efficiency (SEf) of the many group II introns present in plant mitochondrial genes is critical for mitochondrial function since a splicing defect or splicing deficiency can severely impact plant growth and development. This study investigates SEf in free-living and holoparasitic plants, focusing on 25 group II introns from 15 angiosperm species. Our comparative analyses reveal distinctive splicing patterns with holoparasites exhibiting significantly lower SEf, potentially linked to their unique evolutionary trajectory. Given the preponderance of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) in parasitic plants, we investigated the effect of HGT on SEf, such as the presence of foreign introns or foreign nuclear-encoded splicing factors. Contrary to expectations, the SEf reductions do not correlate with HGT events, suggesting that other factors are at play, such as the loss of photosynthesis or the transition to a holoparasitic lifestyle. The findings of this study broaden our understanding of the molecular evolution in parasitic plants and shed light on the multifaceted factors influencing organelle gene expression.

RevDate: 2024-11-13

van Westerhoven AC, Dijkstra J, Aznar Palop JL, et al (2024)

Frequent genetic exchanges revealed by a pan-mitogenome graph of a fungal plant pathogen.

mBio [Epub ahead of print].

Mitochondria are present in almost all eukaryotic lineages. The mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) evolve separately from nuclear genomes, and they can therefore provide relevant insights into the evolution of their host species. Fusarium oxysporum is a major fungal plant pathogen that is assumed to reproduce clonally. However, horizontal chromosome transfer between strains can occur through heterokaryon formation, and recently, signs of sexual recombination have been observed. Similarly, signs of recombination in F. oxysporum mitogenomes challenged the prevailing assumption of clonal reproduction in this species. Here, we construct, to our knowledge, the first fungal pan-mitogenome graph of nearly 500 F. oxysporum mitogenome assemblies to uncover the variation and evolution. In general, the gene order of fungal mitogenomes is not well conserved, yet the mitogenome of F. oxysporum and related species are highly colinear. We observed two strikingly contrasting regions in the F. oxysporum pan-mitogenome, comprising a highly conserved core mitogenome and a long variable region (6-16 kb in size), of which we identified three distinct types. The pan-mitogenome graph reveals that only five intron insertions occurred in the core mitogenome and that the long variable regions drive the difference between mitogenomes. Moreover, we observed that their evolution is neither concurrent with the core mitogenome nor with the nuclear genome. Our large-scale analysis of long variable regions uncovers frequent recombination between mitogenomes, even between strains that belong to different taxonomic clades. This challenges the common assumption of incompatibility between genetically diverse F. oxysporum strains and provides new insights into the evolution of this fungal species.IMPORTANCEInsights into plant pathogen evolution is essential for the understanding and management of disease. Fusarium oxysporum is a major fungal pathogen that can infect many economically important crops. Pathogenicity can be transferred between strains by the horizontal transfer of pathogenicity chromosomes. The fungus has been thought to evolve clonally, yet recent evidence suggests active sexual recombination between related isolates, which could at least partially explain the horizontal transfer of pathogenicity chromosomes. By constructing a pan-genome graph of nearly 500 mitochondrial genomes, we describe the genetic variation of mitochondria in unprecedented detail and demonstrate frequent mitochondrial recombination. Importantly, recombination can occur between genetically diverse isolates from distinct taxonomic clades and thus can shed light on genetic exchange between fungal strains.

RevDate: 2024-11-08
CmpDate: 2024-11-08

Speth DR, Zeller LM, Graf JS, et al (2024)

Genetic potential for aerobic respiration and denitrification in globally distributed respiratory endosymbionts.

Nature communications, 15(1):9682.

The endosymbiont Candidatus Azoamicus ciliaticola was proposed to generate ATP for its eukaryotic host, an anaerobic ciliate of the Plagiopylea class, fulfilling a function analogous to mitochondria in other eukaryotic cells. The discovery of this respiratory endosymbiosis has major implications for both evolutionary history and ecology of microbial eukaryotes. However, with only a single species described, knowledge of its environmental distribution and diversity is limited. Here we report four complete, circular metagenome assembled genomes (cMAGs) representing respiratory endosymbionts inhabiting groundwater in California, Ohio, and Germany. These cMAGs form two lineages comprising a monophyletic clade within the uncharacterized gammaproteobacterial order UBA6186, enabling evolutionary analysis of their key protein complexes. Strikingly, all four cMAGs encode a cytochrome cbb3 oxidase, which indicates that these endosymbionts have the capacity for aerobic respiration. Accordingly, we detect these respiratory endosymbionts in diverse habitats worldwide, thus further expanding the ecological scope of this respiratory symbiosis.

RevDate: 2024-11-07
CmpDate: 2024-11-08

Zhang K, Qu G, Zhang Y, et al (2024)

Assembly and comparative analysis of the first complete mitochondrial genome of Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge: an invaluable traditional Chinese medicine.

BMC plant biology, 24(1):1055.

BACKGROUND: Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge is one of the most well-known tonic herbs in traditional Chinese medicine, renowned for its remarkable medicinal value in various clinical contexts. The corresponding chloroplast (cp) and nuclear genomes have since been accordingly sequenced, providing valuable information for breeding and phylogeny studies. However, the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of A. membranaceus remains unexplored, which hinders comprehensively understanding the evolution of its genome.

RESULTS: For this study, we de novo assembled the mitogenome of A. membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge var. mongholicus (Bunge) P. K. Hsiao using a strategy integrating Illumina and Nanopore sequencing technology and subsequently performed comparative analysis with its close relatives. The mitogenome has a multi-chromosome structure, consisting of two circular chromosomes with a total length of 398,048 bp and an overall GC content of 45.3%. It encodes 54 annotated functional genes, comprising 33 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 18 tRNA genes, and 3 rRNA genes. An investigation of codon usage in the PCGs revealed an obvious preference for codons ending in A or U (T) bases, given their high frequency. RNA editing identified 500 sites in the coding regions of mt PCGs that exhibit a perfect conversion of the base C to U, a process that tends to lead to the conversion of hydrophilic amino acids into hydrophobic amino acids. From the mitogenome analysis, a total of 399 SSRs, 4 tandem repeats, and 77 dispersed repeats were found, indicating that A. membranaceus possesses fewer repeats compared to its close relatives with similarly sized mitogenomes. Selection pressure analysis indicated that most mt PCGs were purifying selection genes, while only five PCGs (ccmB, ccmFc, ccmFn, nad3, and nad9) were positive selection genes. Notably, positive selection emerged as a critical factor in the evolution of ccmB and nad9 in all the pairwise species comparisons, suggesting the extremely critical role of these genes in the evolution of A. membranaceus. Moreover, we inferred that 22 homologous fragments have been transferred from cp to mitochondria (mt), in which 5 cp-derived tRNA genes remain intact in the mitogenome. Further comparative analysis revealed that the syntenic region and mt gene organization are relatively conserved within the provided legumes. The comparison of gene content indicated that the gene composition of Fabaceae mitogenomes differed. Finally, the phylogenetic tree established from analysis is largely congruent with the taxonomic relationships of Fabaceae species and highlights the close relationship between Astragalus and Oxytropis.

CONCLUSIONS: We provide the first report of the assembled and annotated A. membranaceus mitogenome, which enriches the genetic resources available for the Astragalus genus and lays the foundation for comprehensive exploration of this invaluable medicinal plant.

RevDate: 2024-11-12
CmpDate: 2024-11-12

Erinjeri AP, Wang X, Williams R, et al (2024)

HSF-1 promotes longevity through ubiquilin-1-dependent mitochondrial network remodelling.

Nature communications, 15(1):9797.

Increased activity of the heat shock factor, HSF-1, suppresses proteotoxicity and enhances longevity. However, the precise mechanisms by which HSF-1 promotes lifespan are unclear. Using an RNAi screen, we identify ubiquilin-1 (ubql-1) as an essential mediator of lifespan extension in worms overexpressing hsf-1. We find that hsf-1 overexpression leads to transcriptional downregulation of all components of the CDC-48-UFD-1-NPL-4 complex, which is central to both endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria associated protein degradation, and that this is complemented by UBQL-1-dependent turnover of NPL-4.1. As a consequence, mitochondrial network dynamics are altered, leading to increased lifespan. Together, our data establish that HSF-1 mediates lifespan extension through mitochondrial network adaptations that occur in response to down-tuning of components associated with organellar protein degradation pathways.

RevDate: 2024-11-11

Salminen TS, Vesala L, Basikhina Y, et al (2024)

A naturally occurring mitochondrial genome variant confers broad protection from infection in Drosophila.

PLoS genetics, 20(11):e1011476 pii:PGENETICS-D-24-00449 [Epub ahead of print].

The role of mitochondria in immunity is increasingly recognized, but it is unclear how variation in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) contributes to variable infection outcomes. To quantify the effect of mtDNA variation on humoral and cell-mediated innate immune responses, we utilized a panel of fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster cytoplasmic hybrids (cybrids), where unique mtDNAs (mitotypes) were introgressed into a controlled isogenic nuclear background. We observed substantial heterogeneity in infection outcomes within the cybrid panel upon bacterial, viral and parasitoid infections, driven by the mitotype. One of the mitotypes, mtKSA2 protected against bacterial, parasitoid, and to a lesser extent, viral infections. Enhanced survival was not a result of improved bacterial clearance, suggesting mtKSA2 confers increased disease tolerance. Transcriptome sequencing showed that the mtKSA2 mitotype had an upregulation of genes related to mitochondrial respiration and phagocytosis in uninfected flies. Upon infection, mtKSA2 flies exhibited infection type and duration specific transcriptomic changes. Furthermore, uninfected mtKSA2 larvae showed immune activation of hemocytes (immune cells), increased hemocyte numbers and ROS production, and enhanced encapsulation response against parasitoid wasp eggs and larvae. Our results show that mtDNA variation acts as an immunomodulatory factor in both humoral and cell-mediated innate immunity and that specific mitotypes can provide broad protection against infections.

RevDate: 2024-11-11

Gould SB, Magiera J, García García C, et al (2024)

Reliability of plastid and mitochondrial localisation prediction declines rapidly with the evolutionary distance to the training set increasing.

PLoS computational biology, 20(11):e1012575 pii:PCOMPBIOL-D-24-00460 [Epub ahead of print].

Mitochondria and plastids import thousands of proteins. Their experimental localisation remains a frequent task, but can be resource-intensive and sometimes impossible. Hence, hundreds of studies make use of algorithms that predict a localisation based on a protein's sequence. Their reliability across evolutionary diverse species is unknown. Here, we evaluate the performance of common algorithms (TargetP, Localizer and WoLFPSORT) for four photosynthetic eukaryotes (Arabidopsis thaliana, Zea mays, Physcomitrium patens, and Chlamydomonas reinhardtii) for which experimental plastid and mitochondrial proteome data is available, and 171 eukaryotes using orthology inferences. The match between predictions and experimental data ranges from 75% to as low as 2%. Results worsen as the evolutionary distance between training and query species increases, especially for plant mitochondria for which performance borders on random sampling. Specificity, sensitivity and precision analyses highlight cross-organelle errors and uncover the evolutionary divergence of organelles as the main driver of current performance issues. The results encourage to train the next generation of neural networks on an evolutionary more diverse set of organelle proteins for optimizing performance and reliability.

RevDate: 2024-11-09
CmpDate: 2024-11-09

Liu R, Ma T, Li Y, et al (2024)

Genomic Identification and Expression Analysis of Regulator of Chromosome Condensation 1-Domain Protein Family in Maize.

International journal of molecular sciences, 25(21): pii:ijms252111437.

Abiotic stress affects the growth and development of maize (Zea mays). The regulator of chromosome condensation 1 (RCC1)-containing proteins (RCPs) plays crucial roles in plant growth and development and response to abiotic stresses. However, a comprehensive analysis of the maize RCP family has not been reported in detail. This study presents a systematic bioinformatics analysis of the ZmRCP family, identifying a total of 30 members distributed across nine chromosomes. The physicochemical properties and cis-acting elements in the promoters of ZmRCP members are predicted. The results of subcellular localization showed that ZmRCP3 and ZmRCP10 are targeted to mitochondria and ZmRCP2 is localized in the nucleus. A heatmap of expression levels among family members under abiotic stress conditions revealed varying degrees of induced expression, and the expression levels of 10 ZmRCP members were quantified using RT-qPCR under abiotic stress and plant hormone treatments. The results showed that ZmRCP members exhibit induced or inhibited responses to these abiotic stresses and plant hormones. These results contribute to a better understanding of the evolutionary history and potential role of the ZmRCP family in mediating responses to abiotic stress in maize.

RevDate: 2024-11-06
CmpDate: 2024-11-06

Berrissou C, Cognat V, Koechler S, et al (2024)

Extensive import of nucleus-encoded tRNAs into chloroplasts of the photosynthetic lycophyte, Selaginella kraussiana.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(46):e2412221121.

Over the course of evolution, land plant mitochondrial genomes have lost many transfer RNA (tRNA) genes and the import of nucleus-encoded tRNAs is essential for mitochondrial protein synthesis. By contrast, plastidial genomes of photosynthetic land plants generally possess a complete set of tRNA genes and the existence of plastidial tRNA import remains a long-standing question. The early vascular plants of the Selaginella genus show an extensive loss of plastidial tRNA genes while retaining photosynthetic capacity, and represent an ideal model for answering this question. Using purification, northern blot hybridization, and high-throughput tRNA sequencing, a global analysis of total and plastidial tRNA populations was undertaken in Selaginella kraussiana. We confirmed the expression of all plastidial tRNA genes and, conversely, observed that nucleus-encoded tRNAs corresponding to these plastidial tRNAs were generally excluded from the chloroplasts. We then demonstrated a selective and differential plastidial import of around forty nucleus-encoded tRNA species, likely compensating for the insufficient coding capacity of plastidial-encoded tRNAs. In-depth analysis revealed differential import of tRNA isodecoders, leading to the identification of specific situations. This includes the expression and import of nucleus-encoded tRNAs expressed from plastidial or bacterial-like genes inserted into the nuclear genome. Overall, our results confirm the existence of molecular processes that enable tRNAs to be selectively imported not only into mitochondria, as previously described, but also into chloroplasts, when necessary.

RevDate: 2024-11-01

Keeney JG, Astling D, Andries V, et al (2024)

Olduvai domain expression downregulates mitochondrial pathways: implications for human brain evolution and neoteny.

bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology pii:2024.10.21.619278.

Encoded by the NBPF gene family, Olduvai (formerly DUF1220) protein domains have undergone the largest human lineage-specific copy number expansion of any coding region in the genome. Olduvai copy number shows a linear relationship with several brain size-related measures and cortical neuron number among primates and with normal and disease-associated (micro- and macrocephaly) variation in brain size in human populations. While Olduvai domains have been shown to promote proliferation of neural stem cells, the mechanism underlying such effects has remained unclear. Here, we investigate the function of Olduvai by transcriptome and proteome analyses of cells overexpressing NBPF1 , a gene encoding 7 Olduvai domains. Our results from both RNAseq and mass spectrometry approaches suggest a potential downregulation of mitochondria. In our proteomics study, a Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis for the downregulated proteins revealed a striking overrepresentation of the biological process related to the mitochondrial electron transport chain (p value: 1.81e-11) and identified deregulation of the NADH dehydrogenase activity (p value: 2.43e-11) as the primary molecular function. We verify the reduction of apparent mitochondria via live-cell imaging experiments. Given these and previous Olduvai findings, we suggest that the Olduvai-mediated, dosage-dependent reduction in available energy via mitochondrial downregulation may have resulted in a developmental slowdown such that the neurogenic window among primates, and most extremely in humans, was expanded over a greater time interval, allowing for production of greater numbers of neurons and a larger brain. We further suggest that such a slowdown may extend to other developmental processes that also exhibit neotenic features.

RevDate: 2024-11-02
CmpDate: 2024-11-02

Leka KP, JG Wideman (2024)

An introduction to comparative genomics, EukProt, and the reciprocal best hit (RBH) method for bench biologists: Ancestral phosphorylation of Tom22 in eukaryotes as a case study.

Methods in enzymology, 707:209-234.

Comparative genomics is a useful approach for hypothesis generation for future functional investigations at the bench. However, most bench biologists shy away from computational methods. Here we reintroduce the simple but extremely effective Reciprocal Best Hit method for inferring protein orthologues. Because taxon set delimitation is perhaps the most important step in comparative genomics, we introduce The Comparative Set, a taxonomically representative subset of EukProt, a comprehensive eukaryotic predicted proteome database. After introducing the basic methods, we provide a step-by-step guide, including screen shots, for a case study on collecting Tom22 sequences from diverse eukaryotes. As an example of possible downstream analyses, we show that Tom22 proteins from diverse eukaryotes are likely regulated by conserved kinases at several sites. Though the sites evolve quickly, the processes and functions involved are likely ancestral and conserved across many eukaryotes.

RevDate: 2024-11-03
CmpDate: 2024-10-30

Barcytė D, Jaške K, Pánek T, et al (2024)

A cryptic plastid and a novel mitochondrial plasmid in Leucomyxa plasmidifera gen. and sp. nov. (Ochrophyta) push the frontiers of organellar biology.

Open biology, 14(10):240022.

Complete plastid loss seems to be very rare among secondarily non-photosynthetic eukaryotes. Leukarachnion sp. PRA-24, an amoeboid colourless protist related to the photosynthetic algal class Synchromophyceae (Ochrophyta), is a candidate for such a case based on a previous investigation by transmission electron microscopy. Here, we characterize this organism in further detail and describe it as Leucomyxa plasmidifera gen. et sp. nov., additionally demonstrating it is the first known representative of a broader clade of non-photosynthetic ochrophytes. We recovered its complete plastid genome, exhibiting a reduced gene set similar to plastomes of other non-photosynthetic ochrophytes, yet being even more extreme in sequence divergence. Identification of components of the plastid protein import machinery in the L. plasmidifera transcriptome assembly corroborated that the organism possesses a cryptic plastid organelle. According to our bioinformatic reconstruction, the plastid contains a unique combination of biosynthetic pathways producing haem, a folate precursor and tocotrienols. As another twist to its organellar biology, L. plasmidifera turned out to contain an unusual long insertion in its mitogenome related to a newly discovered mitochondrial plasmid exhibiting unprecedented features in terms of its size and coding capacity. Combined, our work uncovered further striking outcomes of the evolutionary course of semiautonomous organelles in protists.

RevDate: 2024-10-29

Deconinck A, Madalone O, C Willett (2024)

Absence of heterosis for hypoxia tolerance in F1 hybrids of Tigriopus californicus.

The Journal of heredity pii:7848484 [Epub ahead of print].

Hybridization produces a range of outcomes from advantageous to disadvantageous, and a goal of genetic research is to understand the gene interactions that generate these outcomes. Interactions between cytoplasmic elements, such as mitochondria, and the nucleus may be particularly vulnerable to accruing disadvantageous combinations as a result of their different rates of evolution. However, mitonuclear incompatibilities often do not have an observable effect until the F2 and later generations. We used Tigriopus californicus, a model system for mitonuclear incompatibilities that is also known for exhibiting heterosis in the F1 generation, to test whether hypoxia was more stressful for mitonuclear interactions than other environmental stressors. We generated 284 parental and 436 F1 hybrids from four population crosses (720 total) and compared parental and F1 populations for hypoxia tolerance. We observed that, on average, F1 hybrids were less likely to survive a hypoxia stress test than parental populations (Parental:F1 coefficients ranged from -0.04 to 0.14 with none significantly different from 0). This suggests that hypoxia may be a particularly intense stressor for mitonuclear coordination, and that hybridization outcomes vary by trait.


ESP Quick Facts

ESP Origins

In the early 1990's, Robert Robbins was a faculty member at Johns Hopkins, where he directed the informatics core of GDB — the human gene-mapping database of the international human genome project. To share papers with colleagues around the world, he set up a small paper-sharing section on his personal web page. This small project evolved into The Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project.

ESP Support

In 1995, Robbins became the VP/IT of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA. Soon after arriving in Seattle, Robbins secured funding, through the ELSI component of the US Human Genome Project, to create the original ESP.ORG web site, with the formal goal of providing free, world-wide access to the literature of classical genetics.

ESP Rationale

Although the methods of molecular biology can seem almost magical to the uninitiated, the original techniques of classical genetics are readily appreciated by one and all: cross individuals that differ in some inherited trait, collect all of the progeny, score their attributes, and propose mechanisms to explain the patterns of inheritance observed.

ESP Goal

In reading the early works of classical genetics, one is drawn, almost inexorably, into ever more complex models, until molecular explanations begin to seem both necessary and natural. At that point, the tools for understanding genome research are at hand. Assisting readers reach this point was the original goal of The Electronic Scholarly Publishing Project.

ESP Usage

Usage of the site grew rapidly and has remained high. Faculty began to use the site for their assigned readings. Other on-line publishers, ranging from The New York Times to Nature referenced ESP materials in their own publications. Nobel laureates (e.g., Joshua Lederberg) regularly used the site and even wrote to suggest changes and improvements.

ESP Content

When the site began, no journals were making their early content available in digital format. As a result, ESP was obliged to digitize classic literature before it could be made available. For many important papers — such as Mendel's original paper or the first genetic map — ESP had to produce entirely new typeset versions of the works, if they were to be available in a high-quality format.

ESP Help

Early support from the DOE component of the Human Genome Project was critically important for getting the ESP project on a firm foundation. Since that funding ended (nearly 20 years ago), the project has been operated as a purely volunteer effort. Anyone wishing to assist in these efforts should send an email to Robbins.

ESP Plans

With the development of methods for adding typeset side notes to PDF files, the ESP project now plans to add annotated versions of some classical papers to its holdings. We also plan to add new reference and pedagogical material. We have already started providing regularly updated, comprehensive bibliographies to the ESP.ORG site.

Electronic Scholarly Publishing
961 Red Tail Lane
Bellingham, WA 98226

E-mail: RJR8222 @

Papers in Classical Genetics

The ESP began as an effort to share a handful of key papers from the early days of classical genetics. Now the collection has grown to include hundreds of papers, in full-text format.

Digital Books

Along with papers on classical genetics, ESP offers a collection of full-text digital books, including many works by Darwin and even a collection of poetry — Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg.


ESP now offers a large collection of user-selected side-by-side timelines (e.g., all science vs. all other categories, or arts and culture vs. world history), designed to provide a comparative context for appreciating world events.


Biographical information about many key scientists (e.g., Walter Sutton).

Selected Bibliographies

Bibliographies on several topics of potential interest to the ESP community are automatically maintained and generated on the ESP site.

ESP Picks from Around the Web (updated 28 JUL 2024 )